公司以品质求精、技术求新、服务至上为宗旨。与世界名牌为伍,坚持采用当前世界上 最优质的名牌原材料,就是价格贵也绝不退而求资,从而保证原材料的高质量。在生产流程方面,坚持按作业指导书操作,严把关口,力求尽善尽美,从而制造出高品位的产品。
The ainm of our company is “High Quality, Advanced Techology, Perfect Serve”. The highest quality adopted for pursuing the perfect so as to ensure the top quality products and be up to the standard of the world famous brand.
Our aim is “Quality First, Development First, Users First”. We enjoy the highest prestige among the shoe-sector.