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New business
- Yixiang Packing Co., Ltd.
- Hangzhou by it to value clothing chain organization
- China gold thimble clothing Limited company
- Heaven and earth and the trousers industry
- Guangzhou jianrun Textile Co., Ltd.
- Le Yuxin Garment Design Co. Ltd.
- Liaocheng Xinchuang Steel Pipe Co., Ltd
- Hangzhou Bei Haoying limited company.
- Kunshan Han Yuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
- Zhuhai JinFang Garments Co., Ltd.
- Dongsheng Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Jinheng Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd.
- Yixiang Packing Co., Ltd.
- Hangzhou by it to value clothing chain organization
- China gold thimble clothing Limited company
- Le Yuxin Garment Design Co. Ltd.
- Hangzhou Bei Haoying limited company.
- Zhuhai JinFang Garments Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou pants is Wu clothing Limited company
- Beijing Jinyi Beauty Clothing Co. Ltd.
- Quanzhou Ziyun garment Weaving Co., Ltd.
- Huimin foreign trade Clothing Co.
- Beijing Yu Heng Garments Co., Ltd.
- Ferrari Garment Co. Ltd. of Changshou City
- Guangzhou pants is Wu clothing Limited company
- The element of Beauty Fashion Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen City Austrian Yee man Industrial Co. Ltd.
- Xingfa Knitting Garment Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Meilun Garments Co., Ltd.
- German Peter babich Group Co Ltd / Peter babich [Zhongshan
- Guangzhou Aaron Battie Trading Company Limited
- Shantou City Tatsu Garment Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Zhuoyu embroidery factory
- Dongguan Chuangjia Velcro Ribbon Factory
- Rimula men Limited by Share Ltd Southern China branch
- Shenzhen Yima Clothing Co., Ltd.