本公司系“外贸为主,内销为辅”的企业,专业生产“斗斗龙”中小童沙滩凉鞋、运动鞋及鞋底,配备TPR 三色鞋底机6台,PVC 鞋底机4台。产品款式新颖、价格合 理,公司本着“以质量求生存,以信誉为保证”的宗旨,深受海内外客户的好评,竭诚欢迎海内外新老客户前来谈业务。
A firm whose products are mainly for export , and equipped whith 6 TPR tri-color sole machines and 4PVC sole machines, this company majors in the production of ‘dodlor’ children beach sandals, sports shoes and soles, of new style , reasonable prices ,which are well appreciated by old and new clients throughout the world for abiding by the tenets of quality and credit .