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福建晋江市万泰盛鞋服有限公司    还不是会员

福建晋江市万泰盛鞋服有限公司 品 牌 名:%e5%b7%b4%e5%b8%83%e7%8b%97%e3%80%81%e5%a5%a5%e7%89%b9%e6%9b%bc%e3%80%81%e7%8c%ab%e5%92%8c%e8%80%81%e9%bc%a0%e3%80%81%e6%9c%a6%e6%9c%a6%e5%85%94
★ 公司品牌: 巴布狗、奥特曼、猫和老鼠、朦朦兔
★ 公司主要产品: 童鞋、童装及玩具、书包配件
★ 公司简介: 万泰盛集团系一家国际性投资公司。集团在福建、上海等地拥有厂房、办公楼面积18000平方米。员工2000余名,并引进最新百灵达电脑绣花机、台湾川奇制鞋流水线等、国际先进水平的生产设备,用于开发生产各类鞋品。 自创业以来,集团全体员工秉执高度的敬业精神,紧紧围绕着创一流品质,建一流企业的企业理念,不断地开拓创新,锐意进取。 集团现已发展成为一个以鞋业为主呈多元化经营的集团式。集团下辖有福建晋江万泰盛鞋服有限公司、万事达华厦皮革(上海)有限公司等多个外商独业。并先后控股了上海万事达皮革实业有限公司。上海步之霸鞋业有限公司。上海万泰盛有限公司,上海丽人行鞋业有限公司。 于九八年成立力量轻工(福建)有限公司,泉州市力量树脂制吕有限公司,上海力量鞋业有限公司,形成一个跨世纪、崭新的(力量牌)产品系统。 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜。造世界级品牌,让MADE IN CHINA在全球永享盛名。集团通过日本卡通品牌LITTLE BOBDOG(巴布名)考核认证,授权总代理东南亚地区制造和销售鞋类产品,并获得美国华特迪士尼(中国)有限公司代理MICKEY(为米奇小队友)在中国地区制造和销售,公司将发展成贡界品牌专业系统企业。 Wantaisheng Group is a international investment corporation.The group has an building area of 18000 square meters and more than 2000 employees in Fujian and Shanghai etc.The group introduced up-to-date international advanced euipments such as Germany HUABAO Computer Knitting Machine,Taiwan CHUANQI Production Lines for shoes making etc to produce vary type of shoes. Since establishment,the whole staff of the group sticks to high working spirit,bears Creating First-rate Products And Quality,Developing Into First-rate Enterprise in mind to develop and promote constatly.Now,the corporation has developed into a group with various business and the main line is shoes-making.The group consists of several enterprises such as Fujian Wantaisheng Shoes Garments Co.,Ltd,and Wanshida Huaxia LeatherShanghaiCo.,Ltd etc,and possesses the most part of share and stock of Shanghai Wanshida Leathers Industry Co.,Ltd and Shanghai Lirenxing Shoes Industry Co.,Ltd. Reviewing thse course of developing from a small company became a huge group,the group experienced a hard and excelled course of developing.The group will make Devote To the Society,Serve For The people as the purpose,will work hard to create more brilliant enterprise with higher spirt and full confidence.
联系人:   万泰盛
联系地址:       福建晋江市陈埭洋埭刘埔工业区