全锋公司的前身为全锋油压机械有限公司,创立于1976年,早期专业生产油压自动制鞋机械及制鞋整厂设备的输出,由于台湾的制鞋工业在1970年代蓬勃发展成为全世界制鞋王国,因此提供全锋公司最大的制鞋机市场及遂年扩大公司规模与业绩的机会,也使全锋公司荣登世界”鞋机巨人”的美誉,更获得台湾区制鞋公会颁给 ”造福鞋业” 的匾额,证明全锋公司协助并推动台湾制鞋工业发展及升级的努力受到肯定,随着整厂输出的闪亮业绩,目前全锋鞋机产品已外销全世界40余个国家。
Chenfeng Machinery & Enterprise Co., Ltd. was founded in 1976. Chenfeng has been specialized in producing automatic hydraulic shoe-making machinery and exporting turn-key project for a whole plant set-up from the early time. Due to the flourishing development of shoe-making machinery at the Taiwan became the kingdom of Shoe-making machinery at the time, and it provided Chenfeng a precious opportunity for continuously expanding the business scale and volume and helped Chenfeng to earn the farme as the " Giant of Shoe-making Machinery". With the excellent sales performance of turn-key project, Chenfeng has sold out its products to over 40 countries in the world.