港之慧制衣集团成立于1983年,座落于广东省东莞市谢岗镇港之慧工业城,总面积约10万平方米,员工4,000人。现拥有厂房、宿舍、员工饭堂、高级管理人员别墅区等物业40多幢,另设有篮球场、足球场、乒乓球室、报刊专栏、卡拉OK等一系列娱乐设施,工业城内的绿化面积达60%,是一座集工作、娱乐为一体的花园式工业城。 本公司是一间产品缝制、生产工艺兼备的大型制衣集团。旗下拥有缝制工厂、毛织厂、绣花、印花、洗染、化验等多达十一间工厂、形成一条自给的、完整有序的生产链。公司主要以生产国际品牌为主,自公司成立成来,以其生产产品的高优质量,在日本、欧洲等地享有极高的声誉。缝制工厂采用日本丰田NTS生产流水线的管理模式,其主要特点是减少生产中产品的积压,提高产品质量,容易发现并及时解决问题,从而确保生产有理有序地进行。 Established in 1983, Country Bright Group started as a garment manufactoring company located in Xiegang, Guangdong Privince. Within our 100,000m2 campus, we have over 40 buildings composed of factories, dormitories, canteens, a resort. With 7 manufactoring plants, supported by our 4000-strong workforce, we are experts in Cut & Sewn, Woven, Sweater Embroidery. Our own Printing Washing Factories, Testing Laboratory ensures we deliver the highest quality garment. Inder to export the most fashionable garment to our customers in Japan, Europe North America, we adopted the Japanese Toyota 'NTS' production line system. It ensures we have smooth production lines, complete control on quality, the ability to deliver in the shortest amount of time. Over 26 glorious years in garment manufacturing, our well-developed plants system have won us the reputtaion piece of mind of our customers