Lifa is one of garment company which located at Donggaun city, China.We are specialized in making all kinds of underwear,nightwear,babywear,lingerie,socks and sock slipper.We have been in these line of business for more than sixteen years, our team have high technology and good experience can satisfy the needs of customer. Most of our products are export to EEC market, Middle East, America as well.We have already prepared to offer the best service to any time. Pls.feel free to contact us if you have any enquiry.
励发贸易有限公司座落于广东省东莞市.本司专业生产各种款式的男女成人,儿童针织内衣,裤,T恤,睡衣套装,文胸等.我们拥有多年的经验,技术力量强大,制作工艺精细,质量上乘,主要销往欧美,中东等国家和地区及国内市场.可按客户要求进行设计生产,为客户精心设计裁剪生产各种高中档产品. 竭诚欢迎国内外各界朋友垂询惠顾,来样订做或批量委托加工生产(OEM).我们的主营产品有:男女装内裤,童装内裤,T恤背心,婴儿夹衣,各式文胸,睡衣套装,电脑袜,地板鞋