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深圳市启航明科技有限公司    还不是VIP会员 已经是本站会员

深圳市启航明科技有限公司 品 牌 名
深圳启航明科技有限公司成立于2010年,长期致力于视频应用领域的技术开发和推广运用。公司投入巨资。研发生产并推广应用的各款窄边,超窄边液晶拼接屏引进韩国、日本液晶面板,以嵌入式拼接硬件、多屏高清视频并行处理技术为基础、内置拼接系统的终端显示设备。它无需笨重、复杂的外置拼接控制器。使系统外型更简洁美观,安装更简便。并且在使用上就如同一台普通的电脑显示器或家用电视机那样简单。 深圳启航明研发的产品。 建立在成熟、可靠、厚实的液晶工业产业链之上,具有高清亮度,可任意拼接,操作简便,稳定长寿,价格合理告诉等众多优势、应用领域广泛,是数字告示,会议监控、广告展示等的理想之选、也是现代设计、一比一 展示三维设计效果的最佳手段。 Shenzhen Qinhangming Company limited established in 2010, is a sino-foreign joint ventures, which has long-term engaged in the development of Multi-LCD technology. The new large-size, narrow and super-narrow frame Multi-LCD, researched and developed (RD) by Shenzhen Qinhangming, is a large display system with Korean and Japanese LCD panels, build-in hardware with HD expanding technology, it has replaced heavy, complicated and outboard controller, and makes the system simpler, reliable, easier to install and fully integrated, the system is very easy to use, just like using a desktop. Based on the mature, solid LCD industry chain, the Mulit-LCD of Shenzhen Qinhangming has the advantages of infinitely expanding, high definition and high light, stable and easy installation, The systems is mainly for the display applications such as conference room, exhibition hall, airport /subway station etc, which is the perfect solution for signs, it is also the best means for modem design, 1:1 showing 3D effects.
联系人:   方崇沁
联系地址:   广东省  广州市  深圳市景田北路擎天华庭华庭阁18H