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福建晋江金海棠鞋业有限公司    还不是VIP会员 已经是本站会员

福建晋江金海棠鞋业有限公司 品 牌 名
福建晋江金海棠鞋业有限公司始创于1997年,以生产“都得利”真皮休闲鞋而著称,座落在名企云集的中国晋江鞋都,都得利以它自强不息的生命力在创业中躬身跋涉着,其步伐是稳健而实在的。近几年来,都得利应市场需求变化,引进意大利先进生产设备,进选欧美进口牛皮,提高产品质量。经过多年的励精图治、开拓进取,公司的规模也已不断扩展,品牌的影响力逐渐提高,销售网络遍布全国各地。 本公司之所以能挤身于茫茫企海中并得以生存,全倚赖于过硬的质量;一流的服务:科学的管理、独特的经理念:“诚信、服务、创新、发展”,更重要的是,在市场竞争中,本公司坚持以“重承诺、守诚信”赢得广泛的尊敬、信任和较多的声誉。欢迎各界人士到我公司洽谈业务,公司必本着让顾客百分之一百满意的企业精神,谒诚为广大客户服务,满足广大客户的要求。 Fujian Jinjiang Jinhaitang Shoes Co., Ltd was founded in 1997 engaged in producing “Dudeli” brand dermic casual shoes, locates in China Shoes City—Jinjiang. Dudeli struggled to develop with its energetic life when foundation, and every step are solid. These years, Dudeli imported advanced manufacturing equipments from Italy and high quality cowskin from Europe and America to improve products quality. After years of effort and development, our company is becoming larger and larger, our brand reputation has been improved and have build a sales network around the country. Reliable quality and perfect service are the reason we stand in the market that full of competitive companies. Our special and scientific managerial philosophy is “Credit, Service, Innovation, Development”, and more important, we insist to be credible and have won more respect, trust and reputation in this competitive market. We are willing to cooperate with new partners, with our company spirit of “100 percent customer satisfaction” to serve customers and meet their requirements.
联系地址:   福建  泉州  福建 泉州 石狮市 北环路星景商厦D栋