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广州豪城鞋业    还不是VIP会员 已经是本站会员

广州豪城鞋业 品 牌 名
豪城鞋业(以下简称“公司”)是一家集开发、生产、贸易为一体的公司,在美国、香港、澳门和广州等地设有办事处;其直属工厂位于深圳,工厂生产规模属中国国内大型企业:具备8条流水生产线;旗下3000多名员工;平均年生产量达720,000,000对鞋。 公司对于产品的质量和产品开发有严格的把关,公司长期遵循“人无我有,人有我优,人优我专,人专我精,人精我独”的原则。因此,在产品质量方面,公司已经通过了ISO 9001质量体系认证;在鞋类开发方面,主要有:时装鞋、休闲鞋、凉鞋、工作鞋和登山鞋等等(包括男装,女装,童装)。品种齐全,工艺考究,潮流时尚,高、低、中档兼备,适合于不同年龄阶段和各类消费水平的人群。 公司以“诚信稳健”的经营理念为宗旨,销售遍及国内外市场,有美加、欧洲、中东、东南亚、非洲、港澳台及国内大中型城市。公司真诚希望与各位客户们建立长期性合作关系,互利互进,共同发展。 在此,公司特别向各位推荐我们的库存鞋,厂家直销,保质保量,价格优惠! 欢迎各界人士的惠顾,真诚希望与国内外的朋友合作! Dear Valuable Customers, Shoes Factory is one of the largest exporters in South China, Shenzhen zone with 8 production lines, 3,000 workers which produces 720 million pairs of shoes annually and we have obtained ISO9001 Quality Assurance Standard for all our products. All these achievements have enabled us to provide our customers the best quality shoes with economic prices. We are especially glad to recommend our ready-made shoes, which are available in different styles, sizes and quantities at the very best price. Our company concentrates on shoe business, produces dress shoes, casual shoes, sandals and fashion shoes, included for men, ladies and children. Our products are exported to Europe, U.S.A., Africa, Australia and other parts of the world. Shoes Factory is to earn the loyalty from customers, gain your trust and respect by introducing Chinese-man-made shoes with competitive price that are the leader in cost, quality, and customers satisfaction through the integration of people, technology, and business systems. Sincerely yours, DAVIS General President
联系地址:   广东  广州  广州环市西路101号国际鞋城2楼C35,C36