Beijing yatex Garments Co., Ltd. (Beijing Hui pin) is a company founded in 2003 to engage in the wholesale discounts of branded women's wear. The company has strong strength. The goods exhibition hall has 1400 square meters, and the warehouse is 1000 square. It maintains 30 brands all the year round, and the brand update is fast and the price is low. 批发品牌汇集国内外一二线各知名品牌,有莱维娜、赫斯特、TryMe、沐兰、秋水伊人、哥弟、衣香丽影、纳纹、谜底、芭依露、似水年华、扣扣、欧时力、艾格、zara、江南布衣、H&M、百家好、阿依莲、香奈儿、歌莉娅、太平鸟、红袖、千百惠、茵曼、虫虫、斯尔丽、欧炫雅、秀蓓儿、迪亚达尼、菲阁、衣香芳苑、天后国际、33STAR、米奥多、乔帛、瑞丽韩诗、亨奴、尤尼可、虫二、朗曼迪、哥邦、l俪亨国际、丝蒂雅文、千合伴、ONLY、红袖、芭蒂娜、知彩、花烟草、三彩、朗文斯汀、知恩、艺梦来、歌芙妮、清逸一支秀、M79、艾杰曼、香港VE、木帛、嗦咔、宝丽、艾唯都、熙兰雅、素帛、费依、迪图、塔她、艾米尚、羽纱国际、迪卡轩、拉素、A+、婉枫、真情告白、汇其欣、琲妮、卓姿乔雅、兰蔻卓雅、水云间、木茜格、她图、依维妮、星期天、水之恋、花讯等等,货品 Updated, 100% authentic, 0.5 to 80 percent off supply, no need to join the fee, margin and any other expenses, welcome to the division to inspect the goods.
Main business: brand discount, women's wear, wholesale goods, women's wear wholesale, women's wear wholesale women's wear, women's clothing wholesale stock.