our company is a spinning, weaving of the manufacturing enterprises, the company's existing 60000 spindles, combed 6 sets, 26 sets of core spun yarn, covered yarn 8, air spinning 1000, Nissan 40 tons of all kinds of yarn, spinning pure cotton, polyester cotton, 6S--45S, combed cotton, carded yarn, knitted, woven yarn; core spun yarn, covered yarn, 190 air-jet loom 90 Taiwan (including 190 360 --72 table, --18 table), the shuttle loom 344 units, 200 rapier loom 256 units, mainly the production of varieties of cotton fabric, polyester cotton fabric, canvas, khaki, corduroy, broken twill, herringbone, down proof fabric, cotton polyurethane elastic poplin, R/T stretch poplin, cotton polyester stretch fabric, cotton elastic cloth, cotton, nylon cotton cloth, elastic stretch twill, satin, twill, double warp and weft, canvas, small jacquard fabric, especially wide cloth. Please contact me.
contact: Huang Juwei
Tel: 0515-398555613962091656
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