北京嘉铖有限公司提供工作服,工作服订做,工作服设计,北京工作服,职业装,T恤衫,文化衫,广告衫制服,加工服装,圆领衫,衬衫,西服,夹克衫,运动服,促销服,保安服,制作服装,球衣,职业装,马甲,服务员服,团队服,防辐射服,防静电服,制衣厂... 西装套装职业装.行政制服工作服夹克.制服工程服.北京工作服北京西服北京职业装.医院制服护士服.酒店制服餐饮制服.美容服衬衫夹克.校服T恤文化衫促销服北京文化衫北京制服.西装公司.帽子贝蕾帽保安配饰.女旗袍礼服订做工作服防护服... 定做加工西装套装,商业套装,酒店制服,餐厅服装,行李门童服装,物业西服,工作服职业装,保安服保洁服,工程服,夹克,医院制服,餐饮制服,促销服,校服,学生装,T恤,衬衫,文化衫,广告衫,帽子贝蕾帽以及商场超市工作服等公司始终贯彻执行“以客户为中心,追 For excellence, advancing with the times and development "of the quality policy, to the development of user satisfaction with the products and high quality service as our styles. Cooperate with colleagues from all walks of life friend, common development is our desire.
company to sincerity, quality, service for the purpose, with the scientific enterprise management continued to provide qualified, high-quality products, satisfactory.
customers is our source of life, no matter close and the horizon we provide the best service to you forever
New business
- Guangzhou Huadu Di Bao machinery manufacturing factory
- Xiamen Xin Dongyang Trading Co. Ltd.: BBCH Bai Bichan Hong (Xiamen Office)
- Guangzhou Jindu tag hanging grain company
- Chi Yun Hardware Factory
- Shenzhen longrun Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Dongsheng shoe material Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan Hongye Weaving Co., Ltd.
- Lingsheng Hardware Industrial Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan ice Valley Alwayseal Technology Ltd
- Sichuan Province Ziyang Zhengfeng shoes factory
- Zhejiang Huilong Chemical Co., Ltd.
- Three surplus shoe material company
- Guangzhou Huadu Di Bao machinery manufacturing factory
- Xiamen Xin Dongyang Trading Co. Ltd.: BBCH Bai Bichan Hong (Xiamen Office)
- Guangzhou Jindu tag hanging grain company
- Chi Yun Hardware Factory
- Dongsheng shoe material Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan Hongye Weaving Co., Ltd.
- Lingsheng Hardware Industrial Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan ice Valley Alwayseal Technology Ltd
- Sichuan Province Ziyang Zhengfeng shoes factory
- Three surplus shoe material company
- Zhejiang Yiwu fair Footwear Company Limited
- China Zhejiang Jinshi leather products Co. Ltd.
- Lan Yu Beijing studio
- Beijing happy Marie Trading Co. Ltd.
- Beijing Maoren Garments Co., Ltd.
- Beijing Zhongya days garment factory business department
- Beijing Feifan Garment Co., Ltd. Albert sales
- Hasen (China) Limited by Share Ltd
- Library Ming (Shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd.
- Beijing Fei Li Wen de Garment Co., Ltd
- Natural story Beijing market management department
- Beijing Mak chuangpin Science & Technology Co Ltd
- Beijing stick Trading Co. Ltd.
- Beijing Tengshi Ua International Group Limited