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Stealth stealth stealth wireless Headset Headset Headset wireless    No Member

Stealth stealth stealth wireless Headset Headset Headset wireless Brand
Business Model
        anti detection shielding intercom system - the invisible Headset professional manufacturers - sign national distributor
        1 stealth wireless Headset answering the mobile phone, interphone, PHS, recording pens, replace all the cable Headset.
        2 is suitable for some objective is not easy to expose or not exposed Headset lead or Headset itself of the occasion, such as the application of secret news report, stage, television broadcasting, government of high grade scene to explain the criminal reconnaissance, surveillance, an important figure in the protection and places of entertainment, the portability of concealment can completely replace all cable Headset!
        key words: wireless contact Headset - stealth wireless Headset - micro Headset - miniature wireless Headset -
Main Products
Contact information
Contact:   Pan Jian
Addr:       Chongqing City, Yubei District Airport Industrial Park