Our company is capable of producing all kinds of cotton, blended yarn, the line has 80000 spindles and 42 air-jet looms, gripper shuttle loom 12, Italy Jacquard rapier 30, has more than 600 sets of weaving machine, can produce 57-140 inches of various organization fabric
New business
- Dafeng City Gaosheng Packing Factory
- Qinhuangdao Bihai Bo travel limited liability company
- Shenzhen Huiming creasing dress Co., Ltd
- Ji'nan Jun Peng Trading Co., Ltd.
- Xinshengda Weaving Co. Ltd
- Beijing days and Gallery
- Yueyang Huachang Linen Cotton Company Limited
- Vivo clothing company
- Changzhou city Lingtai fabric technology Co., Ltd.
- Tianjin de welt factory
- Yimei garment brand discount company (Yimei garment)
- Chengdu Wei Rui Garment Co., Ltd.
- Dafeng City Gaosheng Packing Factory
- Qinhuangdao Bihai Bo travel limited liability company
- Ji'nan Jun Peng Trading Co., Ltd.
- Xinshengda Weaving Co. Ltd
- Yueyang Huachang Linen Cotton Company Limited
- Changzhou city Lingtai fabric technology Co., Ltd.
- Orient International Holding Shanghai Fujin import and export trade Co., Ltd clothing two / Kai Hing garment
- Shenzhen Youfu Dance Shoes Co., Ltd.
- Dr. Wu (Quanzhou) children's products Co., Ltd.
- Inner Mongolia Niuniu textile company
- Jingzhou hillo Thai Textile Co., Ltd.
- Tianjin cotton market
- Dafeng City Gaosheng Packing Factory
- Qinhuangdao Bihai Bo travel limited liability company
- Ji'nan Jun Peng Trading Co., Ltd.
- Xinshengda Weaving Co. Ltd
- Beijing days and Gallery
- Yueyang Huachang Linen Cotton Company Limited
- Changzhou city Lingtai fabric technology Co., Ltd.
- Yimei garment brand discount company (Yimei garment)
- Cheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Xuan Wen (angel Park) clothes
- The twins group Limited by Share Ltd
- Orient International Holding Shanghai Fujin import and export trade Co., Ltd clothing two / Kai Hing garment