塑儿鞋采用国内最新运动鞋设计流行款式,其鞋垫运用高分子、高密航天技术材料精制而成,其重量是普通鞋的6倍,内藏三颗天然磁石,可释放远外线,其具有超强的穿透力,在足底形成6000赫兹的环形能量磁场,反复刺激的状腺穴、胃穴、脾脏穴等三大穴位,促进血液循环,加快人体代谢率,增强脂酶活性,促进多余脂肪的燃燃及分解,加速热量消耗,将卡路里消耗加大20位,穿起它走路1公里=跑步1公里,走路1小时=跑步1小时,不出汗、不气喘,而卡路里却以奔跑的速度大量消耗。 At the same time, the insole is implicit with and smooth with design, wear it immediately increased 7CM.
a pair of shoes, a pair of unbelievable special thin aerobic exercise shoes! Wear thin, thin, as he walked farther thin shoes! A super calorie consumption device! The world's most simple, the most safe physical slimming ways.
[plastic son shoe features]:
1, the shoe pad is made of polymer, high density material, its weight is 6 times the ordinary insoles, wearing it, walk 1 kilometer is equal to 1 km running, walking 1 hour is equivalent to running 1 hours, do not sweat, asthma, and Kaluri has run in order to consume a lot of speed!
2, could double the consumption of calories, accelerating burn excess fat; plastic son shoes can make subcutaneous fat buttocks, thigh, calf and feet combustion accelerating in the walk, on the lower body effect more obvious, has the very good role in shaping. Just ask the user walking 20 minutes every day.
3, the insole is implicit with and smooth with design, wear it immediately increased 7CM.
[plastic son shoes increased]:
both sides walk the high, wear high heels come! Adhere to 10-20 minutes of exercise per day increased the effect is better, in the process of movement through the magnet sole acupoint massage insoles that growth gland secretory liquid can be continuously increased effect. 2-3 months after the height will be significantly improved. [reminder: insist every day time 10-20 minutes or more motion effect will be more obvious. ]
1, wearing plastic son, subcutaneous fat buttocks, thigh, calf, feet will accelerate the burning movement in walking, so has a very good role in shaping on the lower part of the body.
2, while the maximum will consume a Kaluri effect, but also to ensure that go to work every day for at least 20 minutes, if you give up the two station bus, walk 10 minutes, the effect is double oh!
[applicable scope]: systemic, local, simple obesity, postpartum obesity obesity, growth period, marriage obese, middle-aged obese, diet obesity patients need different, increased population.
[type]: 34-----43 code
size: 34 subdivision and correlation of (220) --35 (225) --36 (230) --37 (235) --38 (240) --39 (245) --40 (250) --41 (255) --42 (260) --43 (265)
[color]: black, beige
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