garment factory, cannot place using ordinary detergent stains, or left in the decontamination watermark, fade, white marks. Cloth of red, blue, black, and yellow spots. After the
washing plant, water washing, left in the fabric of various pawl printing, black / white, color, color difference between yin and Yang, tablets, ordinary water spray gun can not place the stains.
embroidery factory, unintentional misuse of different materials of Spiraea, resulting after dyed a; because of the difference of Spiraea Spiraea quality leads to finished product and the requirements of the guests with a color.
printing factory, whether mortar / water slurry, a misprint or printed slanting pattern, the pattern completely place; because the stencil, printing problem, need to be repaired missing up position.
printing and dyeing factory, the same cylinder out of fabric, but the cylinder head and the cylinder tail cylinder difference about Yin and Yang, color, stencil, yarn section, the same hue of different colors are repaired.
knitting factory, from the selection of a variety of materials, such as NYLON, Lycra, spandex yarn woven garments, resulting in tablets, generated color flowers, color segment, color block, piece of difference; can place because of the sun or the light of long-term exposure, caused by the fading or yellowing, or because the decontamination, water spray gun to stay water footprint, other fabric can be.
suit factory, woolen fabric is valuable, and color, or because of excessive iron, resulting in Aurora, or because the adhesive residue, leak out adhesive lining.
leather factory, a variety of color difference between skin plate. Leather damage in the sewing process.
underwear factory, children's clothing factory, complementary because material does not contain formaldehyde, safe to use, no formaldehyde decontamination can be used to provide secure or repair color processing, can assist in the removal of formaldehyde; decontamination Qing - chemicals, Valet preparing various wipe out oil, watermark, ball point pen, macular, iron rust, silicone oil, Han stains, Aurora special agent, adhesive lining. The magic pen with
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