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Ding Feng business gift company Brand
Business Model
    鼎峰商务礼品公司 销售电话;18248515303  QQ咨询;506945220
   我公司主要批发;脸部美容器 美伊美洁面仪 艾纳基 洗脸机 多功能动感按摩洁面仪电子美容仪洗脸机 保健磁疗内裤 英国卫裤 美国威裤 韩国塔卡裤 理疗裤 六合通脉磁疗裤 韩国小暧理疗裤 瘦身裤 AD收腹运动机 瘦身机 润百分卵素胶囊 托玛琳经络通磁疗棉裤保健棉裤 保暖内衣 婷美保暖内衣 法国金狐狸保暖内衣 保暖裤 保暖鞋 电暖鞋 暖脚宝 经络通磁疗棉裤

鼎峰商务礼品公司 张枫 义乌市国际商贸城 销售电话;18248515303 QQ咨询;506945220


【经络通棉裤】 磁疗棉 裤 热灸棉裤 远红外棉裤 关节炎磁石棉裤 经络通磁疗棉裤 加厚驼绒保暖裤
送爸妈、送亲朋、送爱人、经络通磁疗棉裤 送福送暖,送福暖鑫


成分: 面料   棉纶62%     涤纶34%     氨纶4%

 里料   涤纶95.5%   氨纶4.5%





经络通理疗裤,可以通经络、活气血、和阴阳,传统中医理论为基础,并将远红外线、纳米乾坤磁片,托玛琳、负离子、生命能量丝、竹炭抗菌纤维等高科技材料经过现代的技术完美的融合,其以生物微电及纳米电磁波24小时作用于人体,具有疏通人体全身经络,盈和气血、平和阴阳的 Role, has reached the acceleration human body, The new supersedes the old., remove waste from the body, improve blood circulation, and activating blood, dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain, expelling wind and dampness, anti-inflammatory sterilization, enhance immunity effect.
1. is suitable the crowd: hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and its complications, vasculitis, varicose veins.
2. rheumatism, rheumatoid, cervical spondylosis, lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion, hyperosteogeny, periarthritis of shoulder, hands and feet numbness, cold.
3., neurasthenia, insomnia and amnesia, headache, palpitation and shortness of breath, sweating etc..
4. gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, enteritis, colitis, constipation, hemorrhoids.
5. women of various kinds of inflammation of Department of gynaecology, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, climacteric syndrome and various non congenital pigmentation.
6. male impotence, premature ejaculation, urgency, frequent urination, scrotal moisture, prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, glans phlogistic, wrapping is phlogistic wait male disease.
7. or a large number of long-term use of drugs.
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Contact information
Contact:   Mr. Zhang Feng
Addr:       Chinese Zhejiang Jinhua city Yiwu International Trade City