after the antibacterial hygienic finishing expert Shang Chengjie senior engineer in 1987 invented the antibacterial finishing agent, SCJ-875, in 1988 launched the antibacterial finishing agent SCJ-877, and in 1991 successfully developed the antibacterial finishing agent SCK. Then, aiming at the existing problems of the antibacterial finishing agent, after several years of efforts, finally in 1996, successfully developed the world's most excellent quality SCJ963 antibacterial finishing agent. Ministry of health, people's Republic of China PLA General Logistics Department, part of the leaders and experts China textile engineering society agree: the product in the international leading level, has important practical value to improve our level of health care and the people's Liberation Army logistics support capability. The company's advanced antibacterial patent technology using
, has been developed and put into the antibacterial hygienic finishing fabric cotton, hemp, silk, wool, polyester, nylon, acrylic, viscose and other types of. Can be used to produce antibacterial, deodorant, mouldproof function sheets, underwear, towels, socks, carpet, non-woven fabrics, cloth shoes, indoor decoration, air filtration materials etc.. Antibacterial finishing of fabric has good security, broad-spectrum antibacterial property and excellent wash fastness and hand feeling and permeability. 中国医学科学院等多家国内外权威卫生单位测试和临床应用证明:抗菌卫生整理面料具有明显的抗菌、消炎、防臭、防霉、止痒、收敛作用,可以完全杀灭接触织物的金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌、淋球菌(国内流行株)、淋球菌 (国际标准耐药株)、链球菌、 肺炎球菌、脑膜炎球菌、 大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌、伤寒杆菌肺炎杆菌、绿脓杆菌、枯草杆菌、蜡状芽胞杆菌、白色念株菌、絮状表皮癣菌、石膏样毛癣菌、红色毛癣菌、青霉菌、黑曲霉菌等有害菌,洗涤99次后抑菌率仍达99 %以上,对皮肤无刺激、无过敏反应,对人体无毒,能有效地预防沙眼、结膜炎、淋病、阴道炎、宫颈炎、盆腔炎、前列腺炎、呼吸器官感染等疾病的传染,对防治脚癣、股癣、湿疹、疖痈、汗臭、脚臭、皮肤骚痒有显著效果(本产品的知识产权受国家法律保护)。
New business
- Shishi Fugang Knitting Garment Co. Ltd.
- Jiangxi Hongjia knitting and Embroidery Co., Ltd.
- Guangdong Province clothing industry association
- Min Hua Garment Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen city of hope for the world sports development Co. Ltd.
- Hangzhou roundl Knitting Co., Ltd.
- Qingzhou City, the eight Xi's garment factory
- Snow Dragon (self-employed)
- Shu Ting clothing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
- Zhejiang Yiwu Xian wave knitwear factory
- FUDING (Zhenjiang) special fabric Co Ltd
- Beijing Jiahe Tiandi Packing Products Co. Ltd.
- Eight Shaoxing County Fang Textile Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan Guoda Industry Co., Ltd.
- Shandong province Heze City Comprehensive Development Company Limited of Apocynum venetum
- Henan Huayu filter oil machine Co. Ltd.
- Hebei Pengda fluff Group Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Pang Yi metal products Co. Ltd.
- Shandong Hongxiang Chemical Fiber Group Sales Department
- Weihai Wei flow measurement and Control Instrument Co., Ltd
- Taizhou Qiao Yi cluster Textile Co. Ltd.
- Su Feng Machinery (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou Chang Li Xin Science Instrument Co., Ltd.
- Shaoxing Jinyan linen cotton textile Co., Ltd.
- Shishi Fugang Knitting Garment Co. Ltd.
- Jiangxi Hongjia knitting and Embroidery Co., Ltd.
- Guangdong Province clothing industry association
- Min Hua Garment Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen city of hope for the world sports development Co. Ltd.
- Snow Dragon (self-employed)
- Shu Ting clothing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
- FUDING (Zhenjiang) special fabric Co Ltd
- Cheng Ying individual
- Zhuo (Hongkong) Garment Co., Ltd.
- Garment factory
- Guangzhou Mian Li dress (joy son quasi mommy) Co. Ltd.