Shenzhen Xun Teng Technology Co., Ltd. (SHENZHEN XunTeng TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.) specializes in the sale of genuine back to U+ series, which serves the whole nation's cash on delivery. After receipt of inspection, the payment is well developed. It is good to be able to pay the goods on delivery. If your area can be paid in cash, it can be ordered immediately. If it is out of range, please don't worry. We can safely deliver it through China Post EMS, please feel free to place your order. The following area is the delivery area of SF express. If you are willing to go to the SF point to pick up your own products if you do not send the area, please place a direct order, or deliver the service through the China Post EMS express. Official only designated sales Mall:
After many years of painstaking research, the u+ Research Center has developed various new posture correcting products that are suitable for the development of young people. The newly developed u+ has created a new era of posture with super light, ultra-thin and ultra breathable characteristics. 背背佳u+轻薄、柔软、舒适 吸湿排汗,强力透气穿着舒适不紧绷,保护脊椎,亲和皮肤背背佳u+采用的高轻高弹会呼吸的网眼面料轻薄、柔软、舒适,具有极强的弹性和柔韧度配合独特的一体成型制作工艺,增加背部、腰部、肩部透气性网点,吸湿排汗,强力透气穿着舒适不紧绷、保护脊椎,亲和皮肤、让身体每天享受更加舒适的矫姿过程流线型的时尚外观同步协调 均衡稳固多力同施 多向发散矫正身姿一步到位背背佳U+创新的一体化流线型设计,外形美观时尚大方,不仅贴合身体生理曲线,便于穿戴,同时增大对身体的施力面,减少局部压迫感,让身体充分感受矫姿的平衡性、稳定性和舒适性,且达到对肩、背、腰部的施力均衡同步,实现快速矫姿,一步到位。 Shoulder protection shoulder double Y cross lead belt link waist belt waist support bar shoulder special protection design, according to the principle of human biological engineering, special soft and breathable gaskets are added, and shoulder overall force surface is increased. The shoulder protection net is formed from the point to the surface, which fits the shoulder curve, warm, soft, and shoulder protector. The shoulder shoulder protection and the double Y cross lead belt are self integrated. The unique shoulder protection net is combined by the double Y cross guide belt from the shoulder and the axilla. The shoulder force is divergent from the point to the surface, gently opens the shoulders, stretches the shoulders and backs, and easily corrections the bad posture habits including chest, shoulders, shrugs, shoulders and shoulders.
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