目前,由于制品资源和价格问题,我国每年有60亿条编织袋用于水泥包装,占散装水泥包装的85%以上.随着柔性集装袋的开发应用,塑料编织集装装袋广泛用于海上,交通运输包装工农业产品,在农产品包装中,塑料编织袋目前已经广泛用于水产品包装,禽类饲料包装,养殖场的覆盖材料,农作物种植的遮阳,防风,防雹棚等材料. 常见产品:饲料编织袋、化工编织袋、腻子粉编织袋、尿素编织袋、蔬菜网眼袋、水果网眼袋等,
近年来,米,面粉等食品包装逐渐采用编织袋包装. 常见的编织袋有:大米编织袋、面粉编织袋、玉米编织袋等编织袋
从80年代开发土工布以来,拓宽了塑料编织物的应用领域,广泛用于小水利,电力,公路,铁路,海港,矿山建筑,军事的工程建设中.在这些工程中,土工合成材料具有过滤,排 Water, strengthen, isolation, seepage control function, plastic geotextile synthetic geotechnical material is a.
4, the tourism transport
the tourism industry in the temporary tent, sunshade, all kinds of bags, travel bags, plastic woven fabrics are widely used in various applications, the tarpaulin cover material transport and storage, instead of easy to mildew heavy cotton tarpaulin. The construction of the fence, mesh cover is also widely used in woven plastic. common are: logistics, freight logistics packaging bag, bag bag, packing bag
5 freight, daily necessities
workers, farmers, freight market, no one don't use plastic woven products, store, warehouse, home Sheri, everywhere plastic woven products. Gasket materials of the chemical fiber carpet is also woven plastic instead of. such as shopping bags, supermarket shopping bags, supermarket shopping bags; used in logistics transportation of freight logistics woven bag, woven bag.
6, the flood fighting material
flood relief lacks not woven bag. The dam, river, railway, highway construction also cannot lack.  woven bag; flood prevention and drought is woven bag, woven bag, woven bag of flood control!
7, special woven bag
some industries due to special factors, need to use some of the usual used to woven bags, such as carbon black bag. The characteristics of the largest carbon black bag: sunscreen. Is the black woven bag has the very strong sunscreen ability than woven bag general, woven bags, an ordinary cannot afford the sun long exposure. There are anti UV woven bag: with anti ultraviolet function, has anti aging function etc.!
the company name: Hebei province Dongguang Lixin plastic color printing factory
transfer; & nbsp; true: 0317-7819089
hand 13930781844 15226740820
combined machine:   Department; people: Manager Ma
post box: jidongcy@163.com
Network access: http://www.jidongcy.com/
post Code: 061600
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