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Vorwerk vacuum cleaner    No Member

 Vorwerk vacuum cleaner Brand
Business Model
Use of felt
Applied to household appliances
Recording, video machine series - anti vibration (dust), insulation, cleaning computers, cameras - anti vibration (dust), insulation, electromagnetic waves to prevent fax, telephone, anti vibration, electromagnetic wave, microwave oven, dryer, electromagnetic wave prevention, heat insulation, air conditioning - anti noise, anti vibration, dew knot prevention, filtration.
Applied to general industrial machinery
All kinds of industrial machinery - anti vibration, oil lubricated and friction resistant motor series - anti vibration, oil lubricated, friction resistant very thin wire processing - copper wire insulation coating, dustproof gas mask - filtration, dustproof refrigerating and freezing machine - thermal insulation, heat insulation, dew knot to prevent semi-conductor, glass, metal grinding.
Used in automobiles
Engine part - heat, shade, heat-resistant oil filters - filtration, oil-bearing parts, heat, dust, filtration, oil
Used in sports equipment * Medical Devices * musical instruments.
  钢琴、打击乐器—敲击、防尘、其他垫片   电子乐器—防振、防尘、绝缘、其他垫片   运动器材—防止运动伤害之护垫、其他   医疗器材—复健器具之护垫、其他   印台--储油,蓄油   黑/白板擦--柔软 不划伤黑/白板,耐磨,擦拭干净.   书画毡,以优质纯羊毛或纤维为原料,书画皆宜,毡面平整均匀,洁白柔软,富有弹性,可衬托宣纸,使书画爱好者运笔自如,手感舒适.在作品墨多时,不会跑墨,有托墨的作用,又因羊毛可吸烘水分,又具有吸墨的作用,大大体现了脱水保墨的良好性能,特别是绘制国画,能够妙笔生花,书画毡经济实惠,等级齐全,方便耐用,是文房四宝必需的辅助材料
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Contact information
Contact:   Mr. Vorwerk
Addr:        Yishan Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China