We are specializing in the production of gloves, leather goods, shoes and other kinds of knife mold manufacturers, including the technology of cold bending, horn, wood cutter knife. The price cheaper than similar factories, for your company to save a part of the cost of die cutter.
Door-to-door limousine, you only need a phone call, we will come to you. The life of the product free warranty. Knife mold material specifications, (if your factory knife modulus and more often need to make or repair, our factory can also be sent to stay in your factory specifically for your factory service).
Even if the service of your factory has knife mold factory for you, but you might as well try a home, because it no harm to your factory, but in the fierce competition will get better service. Hope to be able to provide quality and cheap products and services to you.
Contact person: Mr. Ding
Main Products
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- Guangzhou Yu Hua clothing line
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