our company has 50000 spindles, 100 looms, 75 "56" 50 looms, 32 rapier looms. For many years the production of cotton / polyester 10s, 21s, 30s, 40s.45s yarn. Pure cotton twill, plain, twill. And half bleaching, fully bleached. Welcome all the friends come to visit, procurement, weaving.
Main Products
Various specifications of yarn, grey cloth, bleached cloth
Contact information
New business
- Dongguan City Shek Pai Lianfeng knitting factory two factory
- Suzhou Ke Nika Industrial Instrument Co., Ltd.
- Qian Jingjing Co. Ltd.
- Peng Mingsuo Co. Ltd.
- Huirun clothing company
- Qingdao Haast trade limited liability company
- Shanghai Ling Dian Garment Co. Ltd.
- Xiongxian Xinsheng mould factory
- Quanzhou Fujia Light Textile Co., Ltd.
- AIU Express Co., Ltd. Suzhou branch
- Taixing Huayu hard alloy factory
- Hebei Jijia Textile Co., Ltd.
- Dongguan City Shek Pai Lianfeng knitting factory two factory
- Qian Jingjing Co. Ltd.
- Peng Mingsuo Co. Ltd.
- Huirun clothing company
- Qingdao Haast trade limited liability company
- Shanghai Ling Dian Garment Co. Ltd.
- AIU Express Co., Ltd. Suzhou branch
- Taixing Huayu hard alloy factory
- Hebei Jijia Textile Co., Ltd.
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- Lianxing decoration air conditioning Engineering Company Limited
- Shanghai Yuanjing Chemicals Co., Ltd.
- Dongguan City Shek Pai Lianfeng knitting factory two factory
- Suzhou Ke Nika Industrial Instrument Co., Ltd.
- Qian Jingjing Co. Ltd.
- Peng Mingsuo Co. Ltd.
- Huirun clothing company
- Qingdao Haast trade limited liability company
- Shanghai Ling Dian Garment Co. Ltd.
- AIU Express Co., Ltd. Suzhou branch
- Taixing Huayu hard alloy factory
- Hebei Jijia Textile Co., Ltd.
- Anping County Hebei Hengshui Baixin clean ball company
- Lianxing decoration air conditioning Engineering Company Limited