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Shaoxing Kun Yun embossed plate making Co., Ltd.    No Member

Shaoxing Kun Yun embossed plate making Co., Ltd. Brand
Business Model
      Shaoxing Kunming Transport embossed plate making Co. Ltd., is a professional printing embossing roll, Yuncheng investment group in Zhejiang province embossed version processing enterprises, located in Zhejiang city of Shangyu province Hangzhou Bay Industrial Park, covers an area of 26836 square meters, the introduction of a comprehensive set of embossing roller, laser engraving led pressure pattern processing equipment, assemble from the design, development, production, sales and service management, and other areas of the integrated science and technology talent, provide better customer service.     products are widely used in napkins, non-woven fabrics, leather, leather, PVC sheet, cigarette packaging, wallpaper, cloth, glass, metal foil, photovoltaic materials and related industries etc.. The company adheres to the service tenet of "reputation first, customer first", in order to seek the sincere cooperation and lasting development between the customers and the enterprise.     Yuncheng plate making group was founded in 1984, now mainly produces gravure printing and embossing plate. Since 1996, Germany has introduced the most advanced laser engraving machine and embossed plate making technology. After years of research and development summary, the production of various types of embossing roller, embossed plate at home and abroad occupy the dominant market, and exported to domestic and foreign, become the leader of the same industry.     Yuncheng plate group gravure printing enterprise has been spread all over the country, and has been built in more than 20 countries abroad, at present, embossed plate technology is moving towards internationalization, diversification of the target rate.     ShaoXingKunYun  Embossing  RollerMakingCo., Ltd.istheprocessingenterpriseofEastChina, investe-dbyYunChengPlate-MakingCompany.ItlocatedinshangyuindustrialPark, angzhouBayZheJiangProvince.China, occupiesthetotalareaofabout25000sqmeterandenjoystheconvenienttransportationsasw-ell.  Thecompanyisingeneralequippedwiththemostadvancedembossingrollerprocessingequipments  ofthelaserengravingsystem.Weaslohavealotofexpertsindesinging, exploitation, manufacturingands-ales, etc.Theproductswemadearemainlybeingusedinleadtheroid.Leather, cigarettecasepacking, Wall-paper, ALUMINUMFOIL, allkindsofpapersheet, glass, piecegoods, metalmaterialsandtherelatedindustries.Si-nceourcompanyhasbeensetup, wehavebeenattendingtheseveritymarketcompetitionandcom Mittio-ngourselftotheexploitationandmanufacturingofallkindsofembossingrollers.Currently, wehaveforme-daseriationandprofessionalproductionline.Pursuingandmainainingtheomni-dierctionalqualityasthesu-periority" theprestigefirst, isthequalityprinciplewhichourcompanyalwalysinsintsonOurcompanyfirmlysettinguptheservi-ceobjectof" theuserissupreme, providingthecustomersourproductsofhighqualityin  shortperiodWithtop-gradeserves.
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Contact information
Contact:   Peiyanjun
Addr:       Zhejiang, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, Shangyu, Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Industrial Park, China