Weng Kai Er, a founder in 1925, has rich experience in paints, ink and plastics industry. We introduce the world's best instruments and equipment, chemical products such as aging machine, salt spray box, thickness gauge, coating machine, constant temperature and humidity test chamber, water wax, dispersant, polyethylene wax and other products to China, and provide the most professional services to users. We are an expert in the paint and ink industry and can meet the needs of all the customers.
纸带磨耗机、氙灯老化试验箱、紫外光老化机、进口打样机、进口分光测色计、小孔光泽计、进口线棒、进口粘度计、进口磨耗仪、耐划伤测试仪、玻璃珠、水性光油、聚氨脂树脂、水性光油丙烯酸树脂、翁开尔、进口老化机、涂料油墨、进口涂布机、进口恒温恒湿箱、水份分析、涂料油墨、进口硬度计、防结皮剂、黏度杯、紫外光老化试验机、蜡助剂、纺织聚氨酯树脂、旋转磨耗仪、线性磨耗仪、测厚仪、五指 Instruments, viscosity cups, viscometer, imported grinding machine, polyethylene wax, dispersing agent, emulsifying agent, automobile detection equipment, circulating corrosion salt spray box, imported color difference meter, imported color meter, metal thickness gauge, imported moisture meter, weather resistance test, scratch tester, Cleveland condensate, import inspection instrument, chemical instrument, chemical detection equipment, automobile testing instrument, automobile detection equipment, fineness plate, cup tester, pendulum hardness tester, ink abrasion resistant, wax emulsion, RCA paper tape, Q-fog, Q-sun, Qct, QUV, Taber, Sheen, RK, Norman Tools, Q-lab
website: scraper, gravure proofing machine, plastic moisture meter, ink Rub Tester, ink friction test, xenon lamp aging test box, moisture meter, color measurement.
Main Products
Contact information
New business
- Market management department of Hangzhou Zhongzhong source line Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Zhong Rui Sheng Technology Co., Ltd.
- Wuxi Fei Le yarn Trading Co., Ltd.
- Wujiang Chao Dai Textile Co., Ltd. Sales Department
- Kai fan garment accessories workshop
- AI Du men's clothing Henan operation management center
- Shanghai langsai Trading Co., Ltd. (IKKS)
- Shanghai Yun Sen embroidery garments Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Dragon Textile Co., Ltd. Sales Department
- Jiangxi Province Rong Rong shoes industry
- European gentry
- Zhenjiang enterprise traffic facilities Engineering Co., Ltd.
- Market management department of Hangzhou Zhongzhong source line Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Zhong Rui Sheng Technology Co., Ltd.
- Wujiang Chao Dai Textile Co., Ltd. Sales Department
- Shanghai Yun Sen embroidery garments Co., Ltd.
- Zhenjiang enterprise traffic facilities Engineering Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Baoan District Sha well Yonghui textile sales department
- Xiamen picturesque Decoration Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Qi Cai line Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Qi Yu Trading Co., Ltd.
- Foshan Shunde mountain moon arts and Crafts Co., Ltd.
- Suzhou Ge brothers Safety Protection Articles Co., Ltd.
- Jia Xuefeng (self-employed)
- Market management department of Hangzhou Zhongzhong source line Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Zhong Rui Sheng Technology Co., Ltd.
- Wuxi Fei Le yarn Trading Co., Ltd.
- Wujiang Chao Dai Textile Co., Ltd. Sales Department
- Kai fan garment accessories workshop
- AI Du men's clothing Henan operation management center
- Shanghai Yun Sen embroidery garments Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Dragon Textile Co., Ltd. Sales Department
- Jiangxi Province Rong Rong shoes industry
- European gentry
- Zhenjiang enterprise traffic facilities Engineering Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Baoan District Sha well Yonghui textile sales department