A diversified business entity. The aim is to serve the enterprise "MRO" material purchase. Adhere to the principle of trade and service. The company is committed to the most powerful "MRO" material supplier. Category MRO materials, also known as non direct production materials, refer to those materials that can not be combined into the final products sold to the customers. They are mainly production and maintenance materials, spare parts, infrastructure materials, machinery and equipment, and also include office equipment, office supplies and other non productive materials. MRO suppliers are not necessarily manufacturers of materials, nor are they large organizations. Sometimes a small and medium-sized company with comprehensive capabilities may be more able to meet the needs of buyers. Suzhou compass Trading Co., Ltd. For a single material manufacturer, the purchase volume of a single customer is not necessarily large. Although they have cost advantages, the price they offer to buyers is not necessarily the best price, and they seldom reserve large quantities of stock for a single customer. Because of their own institutional reasons, large organizations will not reserve stocks for each customer, and the delivery rate will be slower. We can set up and improve our records for customers to analyze historical data of all purchases from the first order to us, to understand the characteristics and effects of parts, and to prepare economically inventory for the turnover rate of key articles. Then, the management of your company's MRO will be easy and efficient. Not only that, we can also form a very close partnership with key customers through increasing inventory and providing additional services. We achieve the goal of small profits but quick turnover through large quantities of goods in and out, and when customers have other needs, we will often become the preferred suppliers.
1办公用品 桌面类办公用品 书写类办公用品 收纳类办公用品 打印耗材 考勤机办公桌办公椅等
2劳保用品 口罩 手套 工作服 工作鞋 防静电产品无尘室头套 鞋套 吸尘器 拖把 擦拭纸 过滤纸吸油棉 抹布 自动鞋套机
3包装材料 各种胶带 缠绕膜打包带垃圾袋等
4仪器仪表 电子秤压力表万用表分贝计金属探测器游标卡尺温湿度计红外测温仪等
5五金机电 轴城 皮带 工具箱 各种手动工具 各种测量工具等
6气动工具 装配类气动工具(如气动螺丝批,气钉等)剪切类气动工具(如气剪等)打磨类气动工具(如打磨机等)还有各种型号油水分离器 气管
7 electric tools, electric blower, electric iron curve machine, trimming machine, electric sharpening knives,
8 logistics products, garbage bin turnover box, storage tray, hollow plate drag tray (wood drag tray, paper towing disc, plastic tray),
9 abrasive abrasive cloth, nonwoven fabric wheel, sand paper shield sand paper sandpaper sandpaper sand belt,
10 garment accessories, gauze wool rope, ribbon ribbon, elastic belt open thread buckle, rope buckle four and buckle claw buckle,
11 chemical products, hydrogen peroxide, pine perfume instant drying glue, water, kerosene, alcohol antirust agent, rust remover, cleaning agent, film remover, caustic soda, activated carbon, bone glue, etc.
Main Products
Contact information
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