Specializing in the production of nanoscale bamboo charcoal powder, nanometer white bamboo charcoal powder, nano coffee powder, nano crystal powder, functional bamboo charcoal masterbatch, white charcoal master batch, coffee charcoal masterbatch, crystal cool masterbatch, granular bamboo charcoal, bamboo charcoal fiber cotton, bamboo charcoal fiber cotton, bamboo charcoal hollow fiber cotton, bamboo charcoal special-shaped fiber cotton, bamboo charcoal yarn, bamboo charcoal polyester cotton blended yarn, bamboo charcoal polyester pure spinning yarn, bamboo charcoal filament, white bamboo charcoal filament, heating filament, coffee carbon filament, crystal cool filament and antibacterial agent.
本公司原先为江西元好工艺品有限公司竹生化奈米科技分公司,是外商美资企业投资美金316万元,于2006年06月08日设立于江西宜丰县工业园区,由台商管理人员结合一群台湾精英,专研纳米科技材料的团队构建成立,专门从事纳米竹炭粉、纳米白竹炭粉、纳米咖啡炭粉、纳米水晶凉感粉、纳米发热矿石粉、功能性竹炭母粒、白竹炭母粒、咖啡炭母粒、水晶凉感母粒、发热矿石母粒抗菌剂的深加工,将原毛竹材料以低温炭化后,再经过高温断氧物理活化成导电材料的门槛(以三用测量电表2Ω电阻为0.000~0.001),再进入科技物理研磨,将竹炭研磨成为10的负7~8次方(0.0000001m~0.00000001m)的微纳米竹炭浆料【研磨期间需经(雷射)激光分析检测仪鉴定微纳米的粒径】,再经过冷冻低温真空氮气还原成微纳米干粉(此工艺在两岸申请专利审核中),所生产的纳米竹炭粉, It is not moistened, insoluble in water, strong in conductivity, strong in electrical conductivity, and nano bamboo charcoal powder can make the derived textile industry chain consumption rate extremely low, enhance functional characteristics, moisture absorption, deodorization, antibacterial and bacteriostatic, negative ions, anti ultraviolet, far-infrared rays, heat storage and warmth, is the leader of nano bamboo charcoal powder manufacturer, and then add nano bamboo charcoal powder into inorganic antibacterial agent to blend with multi-element polyester to enhance functional properties, and create modified functional chip masterbatch. Because of the geographical location of Yifeng County in Jiangxi, the logistics inconvenience and domestic and foreign personnel entering and leaving the airport are far removed.
2011 moved to Nanchang in December to continue to make micro and nano technology materials bigger and stronger, and combined with the collaborative doctor group of Taiwan Zhu Sheng Nanhua Technology Co., Ltd., developed the application of micro nano coffee carbon materials and crystal cool nano materials in the textile field. The two companies are committed to achieving low-carbon, carbon reduction, organic green environmental protection, energy saving and carbon reduction, and continuously inexhaustible natural organic green materials. The organic green environmental protection materials will play the highest economic benefits to take care of the income of bamboo farmers, the farmers of cafe, improve the living standard of farmers, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, and build a harmonious society.
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