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Nanchang City bamboo rich nano science and Technology Co Ltd    No Member

Nanchang City bamboo rich nano science and Technology Co Ltd Brand
Business Model
本公司原先為江西元好工艺品有限公司竹生化奈米科技分公司,是外商美资企业投资美金316万元,於2006年06月08日设立於江西宜丰县工业园区,由台商管理人员结合一群台湾菁英,专研纳米科技材料的团队构建成立,专门从事天然有机绿色环保毛竹材料的深加工,将原毛竹材料以低温炭化后,再经过高温断氧物理活化成导电材料的门槛(以三用测量电表2Ω电阻為0.000~0.001),再进入科技物理研磨,将竹炭研磨成為10的负7~8次方(0.0000001m~0.00000001m)的微纳米竹炭浆料【研磨期间需经(雷射)激光分析检测仪鑑定微纳米的粒径】,再经过冷冻低温真空氮气还原成微纳米乾粉(此工艺在两岸申请专利审核中),所生產的微纳米竹炭粉,是不受潮、不溶於水、比水重、导电性强、可使衍生的纺织品產业链耗损率极低,增强机能特性佳,吸湿、除臭、抗菌抑菌、负离子、 Anti ultraviolet, far infrared, regenerative thermal, makers leader in micro and nano bamboo charcoal powder, and then the micro nano Rice noodles added inorganic antibacterial agent and multiple polyester blends enhanced functional, produce modified function section masterbatch, because Jiangxi Yifeng county's geographic location, logistics is not easy and the domestic and foreign staff and airport Sheng far, the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders and company relocation, the reorganization of the new company. In 2011 December moved to Nanchang city continue to be micro nano technology materials become bigger and stronger, and with the Taiwan Sheng of Nano Technology Co. Ltd. cooperation group with Dr, developed micro nano Coffee carbon material, crystal cool feeling of nano materials related applications in the textile field, while the two companies in the steadfast do low carbon and carbon reduction of organic green environmental protection energy saving and carbon reduction as a goal, will be inexhaustible inexhaustible natural organic green environmental protection material to carry out the continuation of life and growth in nature, and the organic green materials play a maximum economic benefits, to take care of bamboo farmers income, the income of the farmers Coffee, improve farmer living standard, narrow the gap between urban and rural construction of a harmonious society. And the textile industry [] know the earth environmental protection has become the biggest industry project in twenty-first Century! The green environmental protection material textile without doubt, has been very clear will become one of the main market dominant, relative to the textile industry will organic green materials added in textiles, can be of high value added product function function, difference of the innovative quality of the leading market to increase profits, the same countries can save a huge amount of foreign funds to buy crude oil to refine the polyester chip supply market, such organic green micro nano materials is a multi industry chain product families, can enhance the income of farmers, providing functional health products for the community, for the country to save foreign exchange expenditures, and can improve the overall economic expansion of organic green micro nano material the textile industry, sincerely invited to join, to benefit others Liguo, green environmental protection material more for our future generations to bless to.
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Contact information
Contact:   Mr. Dong
Addr:       Jiangxi Nanchang Nanchang City, Xinjian County new County Leng Industrial Park Venture Road No. 88