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Beijing Tongming environmental protection equipment factory    No Member

Beijing Tongming environmental protection equipment factory Brand
Business Model
Beijing Tongming environmental protection equipment factory (Beijing Tongzhou Tongming boiler factory Beijing Tongming boiler installation team) is a joint-stock enterprises. Founded in 1993, is located in the political, economic and cultural center of the capital Beijing in Tongzhou District. Beijing ferry pond, Beijing Shenyang Expressway passes through the zone, transportation, and communication networks. 我厂是国家环保局、北京市环保局、环保产业协会、北京市质量技术监督局认定生产各式燃油、燃气、燃煤、电热水锅炉、高效多管除尘器、脱硫除尘器、厨房设备等系列产品的专业厂家,其中燃油、燃气锅炉已分别在北京市质监局、环保局、天然气公司、煤气公司备案注册,现主要产品有: LHS-Y/Q,WNS-Y/Q,WDR,LDR,DZL-AⅡ,DZW-AⅡ,WSG-AⅡ,LSG-AⅡ等系列燃煤、燃油(气)热水锅炉、蒸汽锅炉及电锅炉;JRY/Q-Z节能型燃油(气)锅炉控制系统;XGG系列高效多管旋风系列除尘器;专利产品SCL系列自激式脱硫除尘器,SCTX系列喷淋式脱硫除尘器,FCT系列复合式一 体脱硫除尘器装置,SCL/Ⅱ系列第二代高效脱硫除尘器,CY、YJ-JD-A系列油烟油雾净化器,ZX系列蒸箱、ZGZ系列蒸锅灶等;水、气、烟尘处理及噪声、固体废物治理多个领域。 The factory annual output value of more than 2600 yuan, with product marketing and good development potential in Beijing and North china.
Main Products
Contact information
Addr:   [db: province]  The city of [db:]  Beijing Tongzhou District Liyuan Town North general tomb