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Shenzhen Xingyuan glass equipment management department    No Member

 Shenzhen Xingyuan glass equipment management department Brand
Business Model
Shenzhen Baoan District Sha Jing Xingyuan glass equipment management department is a wholesale and retail variety of Shenzhen manhole, Songgang Gongming Guangming Shiyan, Fuyong Xixiang Baoan Longhua Longgang chemical reagents, thermometers, plastic products, glass apparatus, experimental instruments, laboratory consumables, electroplating raw materials, PCB gold phase consumables, analytical balance, Hastelloy slot haste piece anode block, and can customize all kinds of thermometer core, all kinds of hardware, plastic and glassware trading companies according to user needs. It has close business contacts and trade contacts with chemical enterprises in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Tianjin, Sichuan and other places. It is now working hand in hand with the Chinese Enterprise Alliance (information network service company), and establishing a product price information network interaction service system with nearly two thousand chemical enterprises in residence. It not only helps customers quickly find the products needed, but also helps customers to deliver more goods. In line with the "quality first, integrity service, best and best, customer satisfaction" business philosophy, standardized enterprise management, the company will strive to provide customers with comprehensive services. 一、电镀原料:主要经营批发天工96、99片碱、磷酸三钠、碳酸钠(纯碱)、硫酸铜、硫酸镍、氯化镍、焦磷酸铜、焦磷酸钾、焦磷酸钠、重铬酸钾、重铬酸钠、柠檬酸钠、柠檬酸钾、柠檬酸、活性炭、防染盐S、酒石酸钾钠、酒石酸、过硫酸铵、过硫酸钠、亚硫酸钠、硫酸铵、硫酸氢钠、硫酸亚锡、氯化亚锡、氯化铵、氢氧化钾、次亚磷酸钠、硫脲、工业盐、氨水、聚合氯化铝、硝酸、氢氟酸、双氧水、冰醋酸、液碱、漂白水、草酸、柠檬酸、磷酸、亚硝酸钠、三聚磷酸钠、铬酸酐、氯化钾、硼酸、硫酸亚铁、六次甲基四胺、五水偏硅酸钠、聚丙烯酰胺、氟化铵、保险粉、元明粉等化工原料及电镀原料。 The thermometer: Xingyuan Galileo color globe thermometer, digital thermometer, glass thermometer, mercury thermometer, precision thermometer, thermometer, thermometer, thermometer, thermometer, thermometer, refrigerator, thermometer, thermometer, special thermometer, flue-cured tobacco thermometer, maximum and minimum thermometer, electric contact thermometer, metal sleeve thermometer, bimetallic thermometer, alcohol thermometer, alcohol thermometer, thermometer, thermometer, etc., and can customize various thermometer cores according to user needs. Two Three, chemical reagents: mainly engaged in famous domestic enterprises, including Shanghai national medicine, Guang test, Jinhua and longlong products, including general reagents, benchmark reagents, high purity reagents, chromatography reagents, biochemical reagents, indicators, standard solutions, etc. Such as potassium: potassium bromide, potassium bromate, potassium fluoride, potassium iodide, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, potassium chlorate, potassium oxalate, potassium iodide, potassium ferricyanide, potassium thiocyanate, potassium persulfate, potassium bichromate, potassium hypochlorite, potassium citrate, Potassium Permanganate, EDTA two potassium, potassium pyrophosphate, potassium hydrogen phosphate two potassium, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium antimony tartrate, potassium bicarbonate, anhydrous potassium carbonate, potassium ortho benzene two formic acid potassium, twelve hydrate aluminum potassium sulfate. 钠类:硅酸钠,氟化钠,磷酸钠,甲酸钠,氯化钠,硫化钠,乙酸钠,硝酸钠,草酸钠 ,氢氧化钠,碳酸氢钠,酒石酸钠,EDTA二钠,柠檬酸钠,四硼酸钠,过硫酸钠,亚硝酸钠,硫氢酸钠,焦磷酸钠,苯甲酸钠,海藻酸钠,氟硼酸钠,氟硅酸钠,次氧酸钠,过氧化钠,过碳酸钠,无水乙酸钠,磷酸氢二钠,磷酸二氢钠,无水碳酸钠,无水硫酸钠,六偏磷酸钠,次亚磷酸钠,硫代硫酸钠,亚硫酸氢钠,酒石酸钾钠,结晶硫酸钠,多聚硫酸钠,连二亚硫酸钠,无水亚硫酸钠,璜基水扬酸钠,间硝基苯璜酸钠,十二烷基璜酸钠,十二烷基硫酸钠,乙二胺四乙酸二钠。 Acids: nitric acid, oleic acid, lactic acid, formic acid, oxalic acid, boric acid, phosphoric acid, glacial acetic acid, monophosphate, tartaric acid, benzoic acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, picric acid, salicylic acid, fluorosilicic acid, fluorboric acid, hydrobromate, citric acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid, acrylic acid, ricinic acid, silicotungstic acid, ascorbic acid, amino acid, peracetic acid, amino acetic acid, ammonia three acetic acid, rose red acid, three chloroacetic acid, thioglycolic acid, sodium salicylic acid. Ammonium: ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium fluoride, ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride, ammonium phosphate, ammonium diamine, ammonium acetate, ammonium carbonate, triethylammonium, ammonium oxalate, ammonium citrate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium ferric sulfate, ammonium ferric sulfate, ammonium thiocyanate, ammonium cerium sulfate, ammonium persulfate, ammonium hydrogen fluoride, three ethanol ammonium, two n-butyl amine, two hydrogen phosphate, two hydrogen phosphate, polyacrylamide, ethylenediamine hydrochloride, ammonium ferrous sulfate. 醇类:甲醇,丙醇,异丙醇,异丁醇,正丁醇,丙二醇,丙三醇,十八醇,乙二醇,无水乙醇,二丙酮醇等等. 深圳市宝安区沙井兴源化玻仪器经营部经营如下常见的标准溶液:(以及各种金属元素标液和非金属元素标液) 盐酸0.1N标准溶液 盐酸1.0N标准溶液 EDTA二钠0.1N标准溶液 高锰酸钾0.1N标准溶液 硝酸银0.1N标准溶液 重铬酸钾0.1N标准溶液 氢氧化钠0.1N标准溶液 氢氧化钠1.0N标准溶液 硫代硫酸钠0.1N标准溶液 苯二甲酸盐标准缓冲液PH=4.0 磷酸盐标准缓冲液PH=7.0 磷酸盐标准缓冲液PH=6.86 硼酸盐标准缓冲溶液PH=9.18 硼酸盐标准缓冲溶液PH=10.00 碘标准溶液0.1N 硝酸汞标准溶液0.01N等等以及钯标液0.1mg/ml,金标液0.1mg/ml,铜标液0.1mg/ml,锌标液0.1mg/ml,铬标液0.1mg/ml等等 四、塑料制品:主要经营的产品如塑料烧杯、量杯、塑料大小口瓶、塑料圆方口瓶、离心管、一次性吸管、塑 Material high measuring cylinder, plastic funnel, plastic test tube rack, organic plastic suction pipe rack, test tube plug, triangle bottle plug, PTFE plastic beaker, plastic measuring cup, plastic beaker, plastic bottle washing, plastic square mouth bottle, plastic small bottle, organic plastic test tube rack, dissolved oxygen bottle, screw mouth blue bottle and so on. Five, glassware: the main products are North glass, Tian Bo and Shu glass products, such as hydrometers, jars, volumetric flasks, triangular bottles, acid-base burette, graduated pipette, single standard suction tube, measuring cylinder, measuring cup, Petri dish, surface vessel, funnel and funnel rack, test tube clip, test tube brush, crucible, magnetic mortar, alcohol lamp, asbestos net and other laboratory supplies. 六、实验仪器:主要代理的厂家有上海精密科学仪器厂、上海一恒、上海雷磁、宇隆、盛磁、的产品,如分光光度计、酸度计、电导率仪、水浴锅、粘度计、磁力搅拌器、生物显微镜、工作台、干燥箱、培养箱、水份测定仪、电热板、电位滴定仪、离心机、电炉、各种分析天平、台湾樱花电子秤、药物架盘天平、电子天平、精密电子天平、电子分析天平、散射光浊度计、粘度计、生物显微镜、干燥箱、培养箱、电阻炉、灭菌器、消毒器、蒸馏水器、捣碎机、恒温槽、恒温恒湿箱、搅拌器、净化工作台、通风柜、气体发生器、高频清洗器、超声波清洗机、离心机、颗粒测定仪、自动电位滴定仪、水份测定仪、振荡器、电热板、摇床、石油仪器、人工气候箱、粮油仪器、糖量计、声级计、风速仪、酸度(PH)计、电导率仪、可见光度计、分光光度计、紫外光度计、 UV-Vis spectrophotometer, electrode, composite electrode, glass electrode, photometric colorimeter, gloss meter, UV analyzer, Abbe refractometer, Polarimeter, etc. 七、实验耗材:1、器类:白色干燥器、棕色干燥器、真空干燥器、全玻蒸馏器、蛇形脂肪抽出器、微量进样器、微量移液器、 可调定量加液器、旋转蒸发器、气体发生器   2、烧器类: 烧杯、三角烧瓶、具塞三角烧瓶、定碘烧瓶、平底烧瓶、园底烧瓶 (长、短颈)、蒸馏烧瓶、三口烧瓶、四口烧瓶、塑料烧杯、塑料烧杯、聚四氟烧杯   3、瓶类:白大口瓶、棕大口瓶、白小口瓶、白滴瓶、棕滴瓶、放水瓶、龙头瓶、扁形称量瓶、高形称量瓶、种子瓶(圆形)、污水瓶、塑料洗瓶、塑料小口瓶、塑料大口瓶、进口丙酮洗瓶、进口异丙醇洗瓶、进口蒸馏水洗瓶、塑料方瓶、集气瓶、标本瓶   4、管类:刻度吸管、单标吸管、具塞比色管、白色酸式滴定管、兰白线酸式滴定管、棕色酸式滴定管、白色碱式滴定管、兰白线碱式滴定管、座式微量滴定管、全自动白 色酸式滴定管、全自动棕色酸式滴定管、直形冷凝管、球形冷凝管、球形冷凝管、蛇形冷凝管、改良式抽气管、胶头滴管、玻璃毛细管、融点毛细管、验油管、发酵管、刻度尖底离心管、具塞尖底离心管、圆底离心管、抽油管、平口试管、一次性试管、反口试管、具塞刻度试管、刻度试管   5、皿类:培养皿、表面皿、结晶皿、全套比色皿、石英比色皿、玻璃平底蒸发皿、玻璃圆底蒸发皿、磁蒸发皿   6、漏斗类:玻璃漏斗、短颈标准漏斗、球(梨)分液漏斗、筒形分液漏斗、布氏漏斗、砂芯漏斗、恒压漏斗等   7、纸类:广泛试纸、精密试纸、碘化钾试纸、兰石蕊试纸、红石蕊试纸、乙酸铅试纸、酚酞试纸、定性滤纸、定量滤纸、称量纸   8、坩埚类: 瓷坩埚、玛瑙坩埚、砂芯坩埚   9、研钵类:瓷研钵、玻璃研钵   10、刷类:三角瓶刷 、量瓶刷、烧 杯刷 、滴定管刷、吸管刷、瓶刷 、试管刷   11、台、架类:滴定台、 铁架台、比色管架、塑料移液管架 木试管架、有机玻璃试管架、木吸管架、木分液漏斗架、木漏斗架   12、夹、钳类:蝶夹、万用夹、烧瓶夹、冷凝管夹、铁直角夹、铜直角夹、弹簧止水夹、罗旋止水夹   13、棒类: 不锈钢搅拌棒、 玻璃搅拌棒、聚四氟搅拌棒、接种棒   14、灯类:酒精灯、座式喷灯   15、胶塞类: 胶塞、直形三路塞、T形三路塞   16、杂类:量筒、打孔器、牛角匙、吸耳球、双连球、定量吸耳球、磁力搅拌子、载玻片、盖波片、石棉网、酸碱手套、红胶头、铁三环、铝三环、哈氏槽哈氏片阳极块 欢迎来电来函咨询,敬祝商祺!
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Addr:   [db: province]   [db: city]   Shop 130, 1 / F, Hai Zheng Digital City, Baoan District, Shenzhen.