Xiamen Shen Chuang Automation Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Xiamen special economic zone. With many years of experience in automation market, our company manufactures and sells instrumentation, transmitters, SCR power regulator, etc., and brings together some famous brands of industrial and automation products at home and abroad. Main products: intelligent temperature control instrument, power meter, industrial adjustment instrument / module, paperless recorder, vibration detector, patrol detector, SCR power regulator, isolator, safety fence, pressure / liquid level / flow / material level transmitter, thermocouple, thermal resistance, water pump valve, automatic control system. Products are widely used in metallurgy, papermaking, machinery, plastics, tobacco, beer, packaging machinery, water supply equipment, beverages, petrochemical, rubber, power, textile, glass, ceramics, automobiles, cement, shipbuilding, electronics, sewage treatment and other industries. We can directly introduce all kinds of complete sets of equipment, equipment, fittings, equipment, technical transformation and technical consultation for your company. Main products are:
BT107T/BT107H/BT108T/BT108H/BT108/BT107/BT109H/BT109/BT608H/BT608/BT308/BT117/BT118/BT119/BT618/BT860/BT900/PT/BT500/BTK/PT/BDC/BT700/BT1618/BT1119/JHB/JHC/BSA /MA /MC and other automation instruments. The specific models are: BT107TA-J1NJ1, BT107TD-J1NJ1, BT107G-J1NJ1, BT107C-J1NJ1, BT108TA-J1NJ1, BT108TA-KNJ1, BT108TA-L1NJ1, BT107A-L2NJ1, BT108TA-KNJ1, BT108TA-KNJ1, BT108TA-L1NJ1, BT107A-L2NJ1, BT107TD-J1NJ1, x, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, C, C, C, C, x, C, x, C, C, x, C, x, C, x, C, x, C, x, C, x, C, P, C, C, X, C, x, C, C, C, C, C, x, C, x, C, C, C, x, C, C, x, P, C, C, x, C, C, C, C, C, x, P, C, x, P, C, C, x, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, x, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, x, P, C, x, P, C, x, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, P, C, x, P, C, x, P, C, x, P, C, X, P, P, P, P, C, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P 9ha-l1nj1,bt618b-l1nj1j1,BT117B-NNJ1,BT107A-NJ1J1S,BT308A-KJ1J1,BT109HA-J1,BT618C-L1NJ1J1,BT107TB-NNJ1,BT108A-J1-D,BT117A-NJ1S,BT618A-C2J1S1,BT1618A-C2J1S1,BT107B-J5J1J1,BT108TB-J3NJ1,BT700A,BT503A,BT119A-J3,BT618FA-J1J1J1V0,BT107A,BT618C-L1NJ1J1,BT109HA-K2K1J1,BT108B-J1S,BT308C-J1J1,BT108HD-KNJ1,JHB-C1-2,JHB-C2,JHB-C3,JHCA-C1,JHCA-C3,JHCA-C5,JHCA-C8,GLB-1-1,JHCA-C7-2,JHB-C2-2JHCA-K5-4,BT608HA-KNJ1J1,BSB,BSA,MC,MA,BT307-J1J1J1,BT119PA-J1NJ1,BT700A-J1J1W1,BT700A-KJ1J1W1S,BT608A-L2D,BT108A-C5J1-D,BT108A-J1J1D,BT108A-KJ1J1D,BT118A-J1J1D,BT618A-KJ1J1D,BT107A,BT107B,BT107TA,BT107TB,BT107HA,BT107HB,BT107C,BT107TC,BT107HC,BT107D,BT107HD,BT107TD,BT107E,BT107HE,BT107TF,BT107HF,BT107F,BT108A,BT108TA,BT108HA,BT108B,BT108TB,BT108HB,BT108C,BT108TC,BT108HC,BT108D,BT108TD,BT108HD,BT108F,BT108TF,BT108HF,BT108E,BT108HE,BT109A,BT109HA,BT109HF,BT109TF,BT109D,BT608HA,BT608A,BT608HF,BT608D,BT608E,BT608HE,BT608B,BT117A,BT118A,BT118B,BT118C,BT118D,BT118F,BT118G,BT108G,BT108HG,BT1 07G, BT107HG, BT308A, BT308G, BT308B, BT308C, BT308F, BT108G-KNJ6, BT108A-J1NJ6, BT108HG-J1NJ6, BT119A-J1J1J1, BT119A-J1J1J1, BT108G-KNJ6, BT108A-J1NJ6, BT108G-KNJ6, BT108A-J1NJ6, BT108G-KNJ6, BT108A-J1NJ6, BT108G-KNJ6, BT108A-J1NJ6, BT108HG-J1NJ6, BT119A-J1J1J1, BT108G-KNJ6, BT108A-J1NJ6, BT108HG-J1NJ6, adjusting mode: artificial intelligence energy regulation, switch, solid state relay, linear current, thyristor zero trigger, thyristor phase shifting trigger, thyristor cycle trigger. A~G all series compatibility: compatible control instrument all functions: power source voltage: 65~264V, DC,
BT107A, BT107B, BT107C, BT107D, BT107E, BT107F, position control, instrument,
BT108A, BT107E, BT107E, BT107F, regulator,
BT108A, regulator, instrument, regulator, instrument, regulator, instrument, regulator, instrument, regulator, instrument, instrument, recorder, instrument, instrument, instrument, etc. alarm mode: upper limit, lower limit, positive deviation, negative deviation, data output: mode 1: RS232/485 communication interface mode two: RS232 printing interface, which can directly drive micro printer to record data. 05-3-U,BT805-32-1-U,BT805-32-4-U,BT805-6-U,BT805-32-6-U,BT805-5-U,BT805-7-U,BT805-8-U,BT805-32-8-U,BT805-32-9-U,BT805-9-U,BT805-10-U,BT805-32-10-U,BT805-12-U,BT805-18-U,BT805-32-12-U,BT809A-J1J1-T4,BT809-KJ1-T2,BT809-L1T4,BT809A-C5J6J1-T,BT809-J1J1-T2,BT905A-1-U,BT900-1-U,BT800F-32-3-U,BT800F-4-U,BT800A,BT800F,BT810A,BT810F,BT805,BT809,BT819,BT800,BT810,BT806,BT809A,BT819A,BT809F,BT805L,BT805-32-9-U,BT908A-L1T4,BT809A-C5J6J1-T,BT800A-3-J1,BT800F-3-U,BT805-4-U,BT900,BT919,BT860,BT806,BT805
存储容量:32~512Mb FLASH
测量精度:0.1 Intelligent, constant voltage / constant current regulator, LCD, LCD, display, humidity control / recording instrument, thyristor trigger, soft, starter controller, motor, soft starter controller, motor, soft and starter.%
BOTA intelligent regulator BT107, BT108, BT109, BT608, BT100, BT107T, BT108T, BT107H, BT108H, BT109H, BT109H, BT107H, x, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, x, C,
Main Products
Contact information
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Addr: | [db: province] [db: city] B412, block A, 1 Changle Road, Huli District, Xiamen |
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