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Ming Fu Da Limited    No Member

 Ming Fu Da Limited Brand
Business Model
Ming Fu Da Limited is a British famous brand "JOHN PLAYER SPECIAL" authorized China's regional agents and manufacturers, the company has advanced production technology and perfect customer service system. Now expanding the huge retail market in China, we invite all local companies and individuals who are interested in the "JPS" licensed franchise.
Ming Fuda Garments Co., Ltd. now chooses the variety of the western trousers as the main product, and also introduces the chain marketing mode of the western trousers. It is a new sales form with the experience of producing and managing fabrics and garments for ten years to meet the special requirements of the customers for the future market.
一个世纪之前,"JPS"诞生于英国圣·马丁的小镇上,作为著名品牌的标志,"JPS"在生产西裤方面,选用特细的羊毛纤薄、而且柔软.在布料的选定过程中,细心而且严格,检查后的布料均需经过特别的蒸缩定型处理,可减少布料缩水的情况;平放二十四小时后,才进行立体剪裁,钮扣看似普通,但采用南美特殊木的果实制成的.因为从原料采购、织染、制衣、销售全部程序一条龙,所以产品的品质上乘、价格亦不贵.充份迎合了高品味成功人士 的要求.在款式方面更注重实用性和耐穿性,所设计的西裤暗袋已将成为专利,更为品牌的防伪和销售带来了方便."JPS"现在采用全国统一零售 价,在降低客户投资风险的同时,又确保客户获取最大的利益.欢迎有实力的公司或个人来函来电垂询.
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Contact information
Contact:   Sale
Addr:   China   China   Room 1816, business building, Guangzhou department store, 12 West Lake road.