Xun Xun Ting Ting slimming underwear
slimming underwear fabric: 1, using Japanese protein fiber mesh fabric, LILION fiber and elastic fiber woven and dupont. 2, the use of Japanese imports of lace and forming material body. The magnetic particle concentration in short function: correction of ptosis of expanding chest, breast, chest, chest type, poly adjustment increase chest fullness (especially for chest owed plump woman) 1 cm breast 2-6 has auxiliary curative effect to get instant results; very good 2 of breast hyperplasia; 3 cut back fat, pork stomach, excess fat on both sides of the armpit. Characteristics: 1, three - dimensional cut into two pieces of underwear generally cut, inclusive is poor, three will contain a complete three-dimensional cut breast, and the return of fat there is enough space for development, so as to achieve the effect of breast. 2, high gear design -- effective prevent thoracic stomach belly prominent, and can support the weight of the chest, shoulder pressure sharing. 3, with the improvement of underarm straps - cup milk, shaping the perfect breast shape. 4, on both sides of a memory alloy -- the human body with memory function, lock the fat, prevent back fat reflux. 5, under the bust of circular arc shaped steel support design, ergonomic design, prevent fat loss during exercise, improve the chest sagging phenomenon. Fit shape: 1, 2, 3 flat chest sagging chest, chest expansion, 4 points, 5 in breast areola Black 6, perfect breast shape 7, on both sides of the fat in the armpit. 组件二:束裤功能:1、塑造浑圆上翘性感臀形2、防止大腿,小腿粗壮,有效美化大腿,小腿曲线3、收纳腹部脂肪,有效防止三段腹4、保护,防止子宫下垂,具有卵巢保养作用5、有效矫正盆骨变形特色:1、大腿,小腿内外侧为加压设计--有效收纳大腿,小腿内外侧脂肪2、多片立体剪裁--让束裤穿着舒适自然,符合人体工学设计,多片剪裁依据人体脂肪生长方向给予不同的压力,塑造浑圆上翘性感臀形3、裤腿加长设计--防止腿部脂肪分段,加强美腿效果4、三层加强型提臀线--更好锁定及支撑臀部脂肪,提臀效果明显5、高腰设计--加强瘦腰效果6、接缝处为软质设计--穿着舒适7、穿着方便--无需拨调脂肪8、棉布网状裆底--更透气,更健康适穿体形:1、腹部突出者2、臀部下垂者3、大腿,小腿粗壮4、胯部两侧脂肪多5、臀部扁平欠丰满者穿着效果更佳穿着
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