深圳绘丽坊服装设计有限公司 是一家专业设计、生产、销售工衣制服的大型制衣公司,长期以来我公司一直坚持以‘为客户服务’为公司的经营理念,坚持上门为客户提供最优质、最周到的服务.公司主要产品有:工作服,制服,酒店服,酒店布草,防尘防静电服,广告衫,文化衫,T恤衫,西装,西裤,头巾,围裙,各种布艺口袋,高低挡职业装,高低挡针织衫,高挡风压衬衣. 不论您在那里、不论您的数量多少,您就是只定一件,我们也会有专业设计师上门为您服务. 欢迎来电咨询. 电话: 0755-25487987 徐小姐13421365796 以上图片仅为样品,具体产品与成品为准.
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New business
- Fierce Santa leather shoes factory
- Guangzhou City foreshore his Garment Co. Ltd.
- Tianjin Runcheng Co. Ltd.
- Chengdu Grand Screen Co. Ltd
- ONTOPCREEPER _ Parthenocissus Parthenocissus Nanjing Tourism Products Co. Ltd
- Cha Xiaoling (self-employed)
- Auspicious Liaoning DoubleStar shop
- Jimo City Knitting Garment Factory
- Jiangsu province Changzhou Ai Xin Textile Co., Ltd.
- Chengdu Shuangliu County Delong leather company
- The operator of Beijing City Clothing Co. Ltd.
- Liaoning province Huludao City Cotton Corporation
- Guangzhou City foreshore his Garment Co. Ltd.
- Tianjin Runcheng Co. Ltd.
- ONTOPCREEPER _ Parthenocissus Parthenocissus Nanjing Tourism Products Co. Ltd
- Auspicious Liaoning DoubleStar shop
- Jimo City Knitting Garment Factory
- Jiangsu province Changzhou Ai Xin Textile Co., Ltd.
- Chengdu Shuangliu County Delong leather company
- The operator of Beijing City Clothing Co. Ltd.
- Liaoning province Huludao City Cotton Corporation
- Haining Changan Dong Huaxing textile factory
- Nantong Ruida Craft Products Co., Ltd.
- Shanxi Qiao Li spinning factory
- Guangzhou City foreshore his Garment Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou hang Garment Co. Ltd.
- Guangdong Zhongshan city Shaxi town Meidelun garment factory
- Yicai drilling processing factory
- Tianjie Garment Industrial Co. Ltd.
- Foshan Yingjia garment factory
- Guangzhou Shu Ning dress Co., Ltd
- Shenzhen Deng Seoul Clothing Co., Ltd
- Guangzhou Lida Garment Factory
- Guangzhou City Xin Fang leather factory
- Guangdong Province Zhongshan City Xingyue garment factory
- Shenzhen Xinxin Garment Trading Co., Ltd.