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Beijing Hongdu garments group Henan branch    No Member

Beijing Hongdu garments group Henan branch Brand
Business Model
                 北京红都集团注册资金壹亿零伍拾玖万陆仟元,公司是集中、高档服装设计、开发、生产、制作、经营为一体的专业化国有企业集团,同时也是国内目前最大的量体制衣、零活加工企业,公司率先取得了ISO9001质量管理体系认证,并于2006年又取得了ISO14000国际环境管理体系认证,目前已在全球41个国家和地区注册了商标,并且和欧洲许多国家的皇家皇室制装机构建立了国际合作,红都先后荣获“著名高级成衣定制品牌”,“中国十大名牌西装” ,中国名牌商品,中华老字号、“全国顾客最佳满意品牌”等诸多荣誉、同时集团公司也被评为中国商业名牌企业,中国十大职业装生产企业,并且连续多年入选全国服装行业双百强企业,红都不但历史悠久,而且有着浓厚的政治色彩,建国初期组 To build the enterprise is mainly to solve the party and state leaders attended the important political, diplomatic activities dress needs, at the same time take for foreign embassy staff for loading task! Over the past fifty years, "red" has for Mao, Deng, Jiang and Hu Jintao, the four generation leaders of the party and the state and many foreign heads of state for the installation service. And the red for many years to assume exclusive to the NPC, CPPCC special task representation of outfit, enjoy high reputation, called the Chinese clothing industry "royal garments" brand! This is not only the red man years of proud history, distinctive characteristics at the same time "is a national leadership system loaded" is different from other brands of red.                                
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Contact information
Addr:   Henan  Zhengzhou  Bauhinia Road No. 60 China World Trade Center Jincheng 27--28 layer 2703