I factory is a professional production of the sleeping bag, bag, bag, baby outdoor lady bag. Here, have advanced equipment, professional design staff, they can based on your specific requirements to design what you need new. Customers also can samples, we also can be used for sample production. Specifications, materials should be customer requirements may be. Friends are welcome to negotiate or ask!
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Addr: | China Guangdong Shenzhen Guangdong Province, Shenzhen City, Longgang China Longxi Wulian industrial zone 67 |
New business
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- Xiamen Jinrui Thai Textile Garment Co., Ltd.
- Tianjin City Textile Accessories Industry Research Institute
- Jiaxing city Xiuzhou District Hechun Hong Liang sweater processing factory
- Chancheng City, Foshan Ronghua yingzhile Textile Co., Ltd.
- Qingdao Hongge Garment Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou JOYOU International Co., Ltd.
- Quanzhou Sanxing sporting goods Co., Ltd.
- Zhejiang Xiang Feng Jewelry Co Ltd
- Liang Ying clothing
- Industry of Shanghai City clothing handicraft factory
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- Zhongshan City, Boston garment leather shoes factory
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- Guangdong Province, Wuchuan City, the footwear industry in Yongchang