the factory specializing in the production of men's and women's handbags. Bags and other products, the main production, travel bag, cosmetic bag, computer bag, ice bag, tool bag, shopping bags and other products. Can also according to customer requirements to map samples, can also processing, welcomed the overwhelming majority of manufacturers, trade companies to negotiate. To the credibility of development. To the quality of survival. Sincere cooperation with you.
Main Products
Contact information
Contact: | Mr. Hu Qing's business manager |
Tel: |
Addr: | Chinese Guangdong Dongguan China Guangdong Province Dongguan city Liaobu Zhen Shi Long Keng Li Yuan Lu Dong two District No. seven |
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- Dexin toys axle factory
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- Tian Shen shoes
- Honghu sunfeel Jewelry City
- The garment company
- Zhejiang province Yongjia County Hongtai zipper Co Ltd
- Chaozhou Pengfei beads factory
- Shanghai latent Gen Trading Co. Ltd.
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- Dexin toys axle factory
- Sino Danish joint venture Wenzhou Andersen children's products Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou Weilida garment printing factory
- _ Xingcheng kairuida Garment Co., Ltd
- Dongguan Jian where clothing trade Co. Ltd
- Guangzhou kalebi _ Sejong Garments Co. Ltd.
- Individual users (Chen)
- Dexin toys axle factory
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