GrandViewGarmentManufactoryltd.isaleadingandlarge-scalegarmentmanufacturingcompanyinChineseMainlandwhichinvestedwhollybyGrandViewGroupLtd.Weinsistthevisionof" Tobeprofessional, tobestrong" andspecializeinLady' sSuitandFashionDresswhichexportedtoEurope, USA, Japanandsoon. Pan American Apparel (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd is a large-scale garment production enterprises Pan American International Group in mainland China invested wholly. Companies adhere to the "do strong" concept, production focus on high-grade professional women's clothing, fashion, products exported to Europe, America, Japan and other countries and regions. ThecompanylocatedatPingbu, LongGangdistrictofShenzhen, whichisChinaNational-levellogisticsbaseandclosedtoChinaSouthInternationalIndustrialMaterialsCitywhichisworld-classinternationalrawmaterialstradecenter.Itisveryconvenienttothedowntown, harbourandairportofShenzhen&Hongkong. company is located in Pinghu Town, Longgang District of Shenzhen City, China national level logistics base ---, near world-class international raw materials Trade Center - Southern China International Industrial Materials City, the traffic is very convenient. Wefocusontheadvancedmanagementmethodsandmodernbusinessrules.Weownhighqualitymanagementteamincluding11MBAs&experiencedexperts.TakentheISO9001asthefundamentalmanagementtoolandqualityguaranteesystem, itisourmanagementtargettoincreasethecustomer' ssatisfactioncontinuouslybyadvancedprocesses, prominentquality, ontimedelivery, competitivepriceandhighgradeservices. companies pay attention to the modernization of management, has the MBA master 11 people, production and management personnel 800 people, with ISO9001 as the basic means of management, advanced technology, excellent quality, accurate delivery, reasonable price, excellent service and constantly improve customer satisfaction management goal. Wepossessofthecompletegarmentmanufacturingequipmentfromoverseas.Incurrenttime, theseequipmentarethemostadvancedgarmentmanufacturingonessuchasIntegratedSewingUnitForProgrammedSleeveSetting (DURKOPP), UniversalAutomaticWeltPocketUnit (BROTHER) andetc.. Garment production facilities, all equipment imported from abroad, with Germany DURKOPP automatic volume sleeve sleeve machines, Japan brothers BROTHER computer automatic bag opening machine and other international most advanced garment production equipment. Lady' ssuitprofessionalWehaveonehigh-qualityteam.WehavethemostadvancedequipmentLet' sproducelady' ssuitforyou.Becauseweareprofessionalonit
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Contact information
Contact: | Mr. Lu |
Tel: |
Addr: | Shenzhen Jebsen Industrial Zone Shenzhen city Longgang District Mu Gu Pinghu town |
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