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Sichuan Province, the clothing Limited company    No Member

Sichuan Province, the clothing Limited company Brand
Business Model
UmbriaRegionislocatedinthecentralApenninepeninsula.Itispossessedwithvillaticvillagesmountains.ThescenicUmbriaisknownas "TheGreenHeartofItaly".BRONLAND, asmallamorousvillagelocatedintheUmbriaRegion, isthecradleofLADILEIS.ThebrofLADILEISwasfoundedin1979, positioningatluxuryhigh-endman 'sbusinesscasual.IthasbeenfavoredbytheupperclassinEuropewithitsprominentqualityunparalleleddesign.ThehandcraftofLADILEISisdelicatecultured.Perfectionispursuitonthewhole, ateverydetail.Thenatureofnobleluxurytheattitudetowardlifeofpursuingthebestareupheldpersistently.Withthedesignconceptofpeoplefirst, thebrofLADILEISisbeenpushedtospreadworldwide.EversincetheentryintotheChinamarket, LADILEIShasbeenpayingspecialattentiontothephysicalacteristicofAsianpeoplethelifeacteristicsoftheChinesepeople, basedonitsproductdevelopmentdesignofuniquebrfeature.Itstrivestoofferthemostrefinedproductstothecustomers. in the middle of Umbria region is located in the Apennine Peninsula, has an idyllic villages and mountains, scenic Umbria is known as the "Italy green Color heart". A customs small town Bohn Randy is located in Umbria region (BRONLAND) is the birthplace of Radi Reis (LADILEIS). Radi Reis (LADILEIS) brand was founded in 1979, located in the luxury high-end men's business casual wear, with excellent quality and excellent design has been favored by the European society. Radi Reis (LADILEIS) fashion exquisite workmanship is exquisite, from whole to every detail perfect, adhere to the aristocratic luxury ecru, the pursuit of extreme nationalist attitude towards life, the spirit of people-oriented design concept, will Radi Reis (LADILEIS) to push the global brand. Radi Reis (LADILEIS) China since entering the market, its product development and design in adhering to the brand characteristics, pay more attention to the combination of characteristics of life physical characteristics of Asians and Chinese, strive to offer the fine products to consumers.
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Contact information
Contact:   Hu Lei
Addr:   Sichuan  Chengdu  Chengdu Sichuan Province Zongfu Road No. 18 Chunxi Plaza 16 Building No. 25, No. 27