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Fly fly grams grams _ movement    No Member

Fly fly grams grams _ movement Brand:Fly grams
Business Model
品牌定位: 飞克,一个为“时尚新锐族”创造健康生活方式和自信乐观态度的时尚运动品牌. 标识释义: 飞克的标识采用充满张力和锐力的鹰形象,融合了中文字体及英文谐音.整体呈现出凝练大度 气宇轩昂的结构美.古往今来,鹰都是勇敢 正义的象征,充满了力量和速度,给人以信任及景仰之尊.鲜亮的橙色是飞克品牌的标准色,象征着开放 年轻 热情 快乐.蕴涵了品牌积极向上,充满生机和活力.产品设计: 鑫威拥有超过百人规模的国内市场产品研发中心,拥有一支高素质的具有行业先进水准的设计师团队.同时,通过品牌战略2与国内顶尖的设计公司合作,进一步提升产品的时尚潮流品位.作为国内运动产品新时尚的代表品牌,飞克以不断创新的精神和敢于突破的理念满足客户需求,引导行业潮流.产品分类:时尚潮流类—带动行业潮流的指标性产品类型.目标消费群体以15岁至22岁为主,是属 Product category to a young man, they know the pursuit of fashion and dare to highlight the self. The product wins in the varied and distinctive, can fusion trend culture. mass leisure class - meet the most occasions dressed in demand product type. The target consumer group with 15 years old to 29 years old based, and have the possibility to extend upward. Is wearing suitable for people's daily life or work in the study, style trend stability not exaggerate. basic movement of class - meet the basic motion function product type. The target consumer group to between 15 years old to 25 year old high school students and young people, suitable for ordinary sports wear, can play a certain protective function of. motion the concept of technology; - conceptual product has certain scientific and technological content, belonging to the brand of high-end products. The target consumer group locked with high autonomy and a certain consumption ability of the consumers and the brand chaser. brand spokesperson: superstar dawn.

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Contact information
Addr:     Fuzhou  Fuzhou city as Road No. 70