Mingxiang ribbon Co. Ltd belongs to the mainland owned enterprise founded in 2005, Guangdong Province, the production base located in the bustling and prosperous beautiful scenery . In recent years, in the community care and support of the majority of customers, business forward quickly. High standard, high positioning Mingxiang ribbon Co Ltd, " focus on specialization and large-scale production, to create high-quality products, establish a corporate image of excellent, after several years of efforts, expanding the production scale, technical forces gradually emerged, the increasingly perfect sales service.
专业从事各种织带的生产销售.公司技术雄厚,设备先进,采购优质材料制造,公司专业生产高品质涤纶格子带,电脑提花带,民族带,彩虹带,双耳带,间色罗纹带,跳点带,折皱带,礼品圣诞带,花饰品,彩带,印花带,字母带,金银葱带,全棉绳带,橡筋带,雪纱带,帽带,商标,弹力带,松紧带等几十大系列几千个品种, 产品广泛应用于服装,包装,玩具,鞋帽,印刷,礼饰,电子,手袋,体育运动,宠物饰品,鞋业等行业,还 Can according to customer requirements weaving and dyeing etc. all in one service.
the company has a professional production line, " high washing fastness, manufacturing, using quality materials smoothing wrinkle, handle flexible, Ze Yanli color, texture delicate, dry friction strength does not fade., can also according to customer requirements of weaving and dyeing one-stop service. The company has many varieties, full function, Crane quickly characteristics. using the most advanced computer aided design system design and development of new products, new technology, using the international first-class testing of fabric quality products. business throughout the country, handbags and more than 300 garment factory, factory, shoes factory to establish a good business relationship. Companies development, production, sales, computerized management of the whole process service, marketing model into the modern service industry, management concept, improve the overall quality, advocating zero defect service, dedication to build a model of corporate ribbon industry. “ with the leading technology and development, to first-class quality of survival ” the purpose of to create a Chinese ribbon industry leading technology companies.