The company many times to participate in the national standard preparation, revision work, is the main drafting national standard GB/T10587-2006 salt fog test box, GB/T10586-2006 technical conditions of humid heat test box technical conditions, technical conditions of GB/T10588-2006 mold test box of GB/T10589-2006 low temperature test box technology conditions, GB/T11158-2006 high temperature test box technology conditions, GB10592-2008 high and low temperature test box technical conditions and other units.
Companies leading products: motor vehicle environmental test chamber, automobile cold start test chamber, automobile air-conditioning environmental test chamber, the automobile rain test chamber, salt spray corrosion test box (room), alternating high and low temperature heat test box (room), rain test chamber (room), sand and dust test box (room), light aging test box, ozone aging test box, environmental test chamber vehicles and large walk-in lab related test series, customers across the country, involves a number of industries: military, aerospace, instrumentation, home appliances, automobile, motorcycle, industrial materials, college, Research Institute, the national quality inspection, measurement quality inspection center and other departments.
Have a perfect sales and after sale service network, has its own customer service service department in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Changchun, Wuhan, Chengdu, Shanghai, Ji'nan, Wenzhou etc..
主要用户如:兵器部轻武器检测中心、总装备部汽车试验场、洛阳空空导弹研究所、国家飞机材料检测中心、中国飞机强度研究所、、兵器部201所、203所、204所、207所、208所电子4所、36所、22所、53所、中船722所、704所、723所、725所、中国航空总公司第605所、611所、613所、湖北江山工业集团公司、海南汽车研究所、中国汽车工程研究院、国家汽车材料产品质检所、国家汽车灯具质检中心、奇瑞汽车、东风本田、上海大众、法雷奥车灯、上海海拉电子、中国重汽集团、中国电力院、东洋机电、联想,华硕,科龙、华宝、威力、惠尔浦、美的、华凌、东宝、汇丰、春兰、美菱、荣事达、小天鹅、博西威、无锡松下冷机,中意、万和、格力、海信、海尔、奥柯玛、新飞、康佳、奥克斯、新科、上菱天安、风华以及小家电企业:万和、格兰仕,康宝,神州,苏泊尔,帅康、华 帝;外资厂商如:西门子、LG、松下、夏普、三星、比亚迪、上海华普,天津汽研所、东南汽车、长丰汽车、江西昌铃汽车、济南重卡、春兰汽车、浙江嘉利、镇江汽车制造厂、广州客车厂、海南马自达、北京福田汽车、北京欧曼重型汽车、浙江毫情汽车、天津一汽夏利汽车股份、聊城中通客车,北京海拉车灯、小奚车灯、天盛车灯、秦川车灯、天成车灯、扬州唐成车灯厂、西门子威迪欧汽车电子、台州轩金车灯、武汉法雷奥、上海法雷奥、河南鹤壁天海电器、沈阳华晨、沈阳天海电装,重庆长华、湖北美标汽车制冷、烟台霍富锁厂、北京北重、襄樊达安汽车检测中心、秦皇岛戴卡轮毂、三门峡戴卡、无锡戴卡、南海中南轮毂、、沈阳三花轮毂、宁波跃进汽车、采埃孚富奥底盘、总装备汽车试验场、重庆中南铝合金轮毂、宁波明佳汽车饰线、北京佩特来电器、大连柴油 Engine, Yulin diesel engine, Wuxi diesel engine, Xinchang diesel engine, Changzhou diesel engine factory, Beijing with special electrical appliance, Dongfeng Automobile Electric, Guizhou Zhen Hua.
Main Products
High low temperature test box, automobile environmental chamber, salt fog test box, sand and dust test box, rain test chamber
Contact information
Contact: | Ni Yunnan |
Tel: |
Addr: | Jiangsu Province Nanjing City Wuxi City, Su Xi Lu 87-1 on the third floor of No. |
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