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Copper / copper Buddha / bell / copper / bronze incense burner / copper kylin / city sculpture garden / copper sculpture of Buddha Crafts Casting Factory    No VIP Member

Copper / copper Buddha / bell / copper / bronze incense burner / copper kylin / city sculpture garden / copper sculpture of Buddha Crafts Casting Factory Brand
Business Model
保 河北省唐县铜雕佛像工艺品铸铜厂,专业生产大型铜雕塑,寺庙铜佛像艺术铸造及小型铸铜工艺品,铜钟;铜雕佛像;铜观音;铜药师佛;地藏,铜雕弥勒佛,铸铜香炉;铜雕宫灯,铜钱,铜罄,铜雕宝鼎;铜雕方鼎,铜浮雕;青铜器;青铜狮;铜雕金蝉,铜雕十八罗汉;铜雕三世佛,铜雕西方三圣,铸铜文殊普贤,铜雕马;铜龙,铜圆雕;铜浮雕,铜制品;城市雕塑,动物雕塑,金属雕塑,铜雕麒麟;铜雕西方人;铜雕伟人像,雷锋像,铜雕圆明园十二兽首,铜雕十二生肖,毛泽东铜雕塑,城市铜雕;铜雕工艺品;铜雕关公,铸铜拓荒牛,;铜雕美国华尔街牛,铜雕宫廷门狮;铜雕汇丰狮;铜雕西洋狮,金属工艺品;铜雕藏佛;铜雕密宗佛;景泰蓝制品,对产品进行贴金;彩绘;工艺上色,防腐处理,设计制作,装饰艺术方面的各种业务. 河北唐县 Hong Buddha copper sculpture handicraft factory set of scientific research, development and design, common casting, disposable integral casting, precision casting in one. The factory has strong technical strength, advanced equipment, not only to pay attention to Chinese bronze original art style, but also inherited the heritage of the original artistic taste, inherit and carry forward the ancient culture at the same time, further for the new and old customers for all kinds of copper, iron handicraft stature and other products. Tangxian County Changsheng bronze handicraft factory has always been to "honesty, quality as the soul, the pursuit of Hong Buddha, innovation" is our consistent aim. Heavy contract, Shou credibility, quality first, the optimal price, love the new and old customers. Tangxian County Hong Buddha copper sculpture handicraft factory has always been to "honesty, quality as the soul, the pursuit of Hong Buddha, innovation" is our consistent aim. Heavy contract, Shou credibility, quality first, the optimal price, love the new and old customers.
Main Products
Cast bronze sculpture, bronze statues, bronze statue of Buddha, the Buddha, city sculpture, animal sculpture, figure sculpture, bronze, bronze Ding tripod, copper censer sculpture crafts
Contact information
Contact:   What the manager
Addr:   Guangdong Province  Guangzhou City  Tangxian County bronze sculpture, bronze statue of buddha. Hebei Tangxian County