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Commence the cervical vertebra and lumbar vertebra skills rehabilitation center    No VIP Member

Commence the cervical vertebra and lumbar vertebra skills rehabilitation center Brand
Business Model
Shaanxi Xi'an to cervical spondylosis lumbar disease unique rehabilitation center: one to three times the cure! 颈椎病引起的头晕头疼.手麻.恶心.呕吐.肩膀手臂僵硬酸疼麻凉.胸椎病引起的前胸后背疼痛.胸闷憋气.心慌气短.腰椎病引起腰椎间盘突出,膨出,腰疼痛以及腰臀部及下肢引起的酸困.胀.麻.凉.疼痛.肌肉劳损.坐骨神经痛.来者请带好CT片子,本中心“四世传承 绿色疗法 国际水平”在医院治不了的请到我们这里来(每次治疗时间为20分钟左右,每次治疗费用100元)来电咨询13379000644网址 博客 地址:西安市丰禾路132号QQ号32056737 就诊路线:乘坐9路2路18路21路50路501路510路714路711路718路207路208路202路221路235路900路火车站乘坐718路9路到丰禾路站下车蔚蓝花城小区大门口斜对面路南边一楼门面房即到!我们的理念是:一:不论名头有多大 不论其年龄有多大 不论其广告做的有多大 不论其是么名牌大学毕业 不论其医龄有多长 不论其发表论文有多少 Regardless of their scientific research achievements have rich regardless of its tone how high who can enable patients to relieve the sufferings in the shortest time with the least money, who is the master. Two: can cure a few never dodge a unified, transparent price. Three: general treatment, equal to no cure. Can cure is cure, can cure the resolute don't cure. Disease, enemy people dear. Four: everyone is equal before the disease, no rich and poor division. Five: green, low carbon, do not take medicine, do not inject real operation, cervical vertebra and lumbar vertebra disease induced by 1-3 cure. Thoracic vertebrae induced chest back hard, bring back life to a patient. Six: do not go up only, not only, not only book, but the actual effect! The number of truly great men still see today!
Main Products
Cervical vertebra disease which governance, lumbar disc herniation, dizziness how to treat, how to treat headache, chest back pain
Contact information
Contact:   Qiu Haibo
Addr:   Shaanxi Province  Xi'an City  Xi'an City Lianhu District No. 132