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Yancheng City new large high-altitude anti-corrosion Co. Ltd. repair    No VIP Member

Yancheng City new large high-altitude anti-corrosion Co. Ltd. repair Brand
Business Model
The company registered capital of 10660000, currently under the jurisdiction of the twelve projects, the number of employees 680 people. 60 people have all kinds of professional and technical titles, including 1 senior engineers, engineers, economists, accountants 28 people, 13 project managers, have large and medium-sized machinery and equipment 169 (pieces), year construction output value of nearly 80000000 yuan. Company's existing 6 offices: the office of Huaneng Nanjing power plant, Yangzhou second power plant office, Fujian Sedrin office, Guangzhou Shipyard International offices, office of Yizheng chemical fiber, Tangshan office. 施工网点扁及全国各地二十多个省、市、区、涉及石油、化工、冶金、电力、能源、航天、建材、国防、交通、煤炭、医药、轻纺、食品、港口等十多个行业,承揽了大量的高空防腐、维修、保温、拆除、清洗、安装、装饰美化、烟囱新建、砼滑模,电缆整治、抽放、敷设、桥架安装、防火封堵,砼钻孔、化学锚固、植筋、砼加固,带水化学注浆、防水堵漏,环保脱硫:玻璃鳞片、泡沫玻璃砖、 OM 、聚脲、耐酸胶泥,防腐耐磨地坪等工程,公司自组建以来,坚持走技术革新之路,大胆采用“无脚手架、高空悬挂吊作业”新工艺,依靠丰富的施工经验、先进的施工技术和科学的网络化管理手段,先后承接了系统内各类高空防腐检修、防水堵漏、化学锚固、烟囱新建、环保脱硫等工程近万项,其中有高大难度工程和国家重点工程,都以工程质理好、安全率高,赢得了 The majority of users of praise.
Main Products
New waterproof plugging, chimney, chimney corrosion, chemical anchor, flue gas desulfurization
Contact information
Contact:   Wang Linhua
Addr:   Jiangsu Province  Nanjing City  Yancheng City East Road No. 8